Chapter 19

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Dinah was currently having breakfast with Eddie down in her bar, since he'd spent the night in the loft she had above the bar.

"Well, that was fun." Dinah said.

"Yeah. Though I have to admit, I'm still trying to figure out why you chose to open a bar instead of joining the KCPD. We could use someone like you." Eddie said, since Dinah had told him a version of the truth about her past, that she'd been a cop in Central City and she'd finally reached out to Barry and explained her situation to him and while he'd actually offered to take her back to 2040 if she wanted too, Dinah had refused, saying that she honestly liked this time period better, since now that she had her memories restored, she knew that the 2010 decade was the one with her real friends. Plus, as she'd told Barry, Wally and his team would need some adult supervision, which Barry had agreed with, though he'd also informed her that Wally was aware of the old reality too and she should tell him the truth. Anyways, after Dinah had spoken to Barry, he and Joe had put together a fake background for Dinah being a cop at CCPD in this time period in case Eddie checked.

"Thanks Eddie, but honestly, I got out of that life after I found out that my last partner was dirty and honestly, owning my own bar like this has been a dream of mine for years. And with the money Jesse paid me to investigate her father, I could finally make that a reality." Dinah said.

"Well, I can admire the ambition, even if I do think it's a shame that you're not putting your skills to use." Eddie said and Dinah had to resist the urge to tell him that she still was, just not in a way that she thought he'd approve of.

"I'll leave the crime fighting to you cops and Impulse." Dinah said cautiously, since she knew her boyfriend had mixed feelings about Impulse.

"I know a lot of people think that Impulse is a hero, but we don't know anything about him. He's a danger to this city." Eddie said, knowing how his girlfriend felt.

"Let's agree to disagree. But now you should get out of here since you need to get to the station and I need to get ready to open this place up for the day." Dinah said and Eddie nodded, right as Dinah's ears picked up what sounded like the safeties of guns being removed.

"Do you hear something?" Dinah asked.

"No, why?" Eddie asked, only to be shoved to the ground as Dinah forced him to hit the deck right as bullets came flying through the windows.

"What the hell?" Eddie asked.

"If I had to guess, Carver, trying to make sure neither of us can testify against him." Dinah said, since both Dinah and Eddie were on the witness list to testify against Carver at his trial in a few weeks.

"Yeah, cuz this is gonna end well for him. Not only attacking witnesses, but one of them being a cop?" Eddie asked, seriously regretting that both he and Dinah had left their guns upstairs in her loft.

"From what I know about Carver, he likely knows that he won't get out of this trial or the crimes, so if he can't get his freedom, he'd rather take us down with him." Dinah said.

"Sounds about right." Eddie agreed as Dinah had to resist the urge to let the wolf out as Kira called it, since she didn't want to reveal that side of herself to Eddie just yet. Especially since from what she'd heard, getting involved in this life is part of what got him killed and she wasn't losing another boyfriend if she could help it.

However, she was pulled from her thoughts when she felt something grab her and Eddie and looked up to see it was two very long arms with very big hands that quickly grabbed them and somehow shielded them bullets as they were pulled out of the bar to safety where Dinah saw Ralph Dibny standing there.

"Who are you?" Eddie asked.

"Argus agent Ralph Dibny and I was coming to thank you for helping wrap up my case against Joseph Carver's organization Black Hole, but instead I ended up having to save you from some of his thugs, since he doesn't seem to understand that he's lost. Come on, I need to get you two, along with Jessica McCulloch into protective custody immediately to protect you until Carver is convicted and we finish dismantling his organization." Ralph said, though he and Dinah locked eyes for a second and they could both tell they remembered the old reality.

"What about Wally West and Kira Runk?" Dinah asked as she caught her breath.

"Already in protective custody." Ralph assured her and Dinah nodded, knowing that they'd need to talk.

I hope you guys like that I brought Ralph back after all. I was originally on the fence about it, but I decided that I could find a way to make it work.

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