Chapter 11

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Just to be clear, the actress who plays Kira Runk is Erin Westbrook, who also played Tabitha Tate on Riverdale. I've been going through a little phase of that show lately.

The next morning found Wally, Jesse, Kira and Dinah in the garage and Kira was really hoping that they were making the right call by telling Dinah her secret.

"So, why did you call this little team meeting? Am I going to have to go through some kind of hazing, because technically I am older than all of you." Dinah said and Wally chuckled.

"No. We don't do hazing. At least not until after the first month." Wally said and Dinah chuckled.

"So then, what's going on?" Dinah asked.

"We're about to tell you one of our most important secrets. You can't tell anyone about this." Wally said.

"And that is?" Dinah asked as Kira dropped her hologram disguise to reveal her true cyborg form.

"That this is the real me. A monster." Kira said, since no matter how many times Wally and Jesse tried to tell her otherwise, Kira could only see herself as a monster.

"Really, because all I see is one badass woman who's probably more dangerous than Wally and I put together." Dinah said, since she'd been the Black Canary in the old reality and in this one, she was the Silver Wolf and more importantly, she was from the future. Besides, honestly, she thought this Cyborg thing was cool. She was just glad that Curtis wasn't here, since she could hear him making terminator references already.

"What?" Kira asked, before any more questions could be asked or answered, Kira's red optic began flashing and she suddenly began spasming before collapsing.

"Oh my god." Jesse said as they rushed to Kira's side.

"What's going on?" Dinah asked.

"Her system's crashing. Wally, go to Kira's apartment and tear it apart until you find that damn box. It's the only thing that can repair her systems in time to save her life." Jesse said and Wally nodded as he sped out.

"What's going on?" Dinah asked as she helped Jesse pick Kira up and move her to the med bay.

"Something is causing all of Kira's systems to shut down and it's causing some kind of chain reaction. The only thing I can think that can fix her is the thing that turned her into this in the first place. In the meantime, see if you can help me get her hooked up to the scanners so I can start running diagnostics so I'll know exactly what caused these malfunctions." Jesse said and Dinah nodded as she helped hook Kira up and Jesse began running the diagnostics, right as Wally sped in holding a strange metal box.

"What is that?" Dinah asked.

"We don't know what it is, just that Kira dug it up about six months ago and made the mistake of playing with it in her lab, which turned her into this. It's the only thing capable of fixing whatever damage she's caused by going against my orders and messing with her cybernetics." Jesse said as she removed a component from near Kira's head.

"Uh, is it safe for you to do that?" Dinah asked.

"Relax, this is a piece of tech I built into Kira's cybernetics. Removing it won't hurt her. It's her hologram projector, the thing that allows her to blend in. And I have a feeling that I am going to be killing her for messing with it." Jesse said.

"Let's save her first." Wally said as he placed the box on Kira's chest, causing it to glow for a few seconds and they watched it release some kind of energy into Kira's body and sure enough, it repaired all the damage and rebooted Kira's system as she woke up.

"What the hell just happened?" Kira asked.

"What happened is that you ignored my warnings and tampered with the hologram projector to actually disable parts of your cybernetics, which nearly killed you, you idiot." Jesse said.

"I wanted to feel as normal as possible. Sue me." Kira said.

"Kira, it's been six months, when are you going to accept that this is who you are now." Jesse said angrily.

"How can I accept that I'm going to be alone forever?" Kira demanded.

"Kira, you're not going to be alone." Wally said.

"Really, who's going to want to show any kind of interest in a girl who's at least 50 percent robot? I didn't ask for this." Kira said.

"And you think I asked for my powers? Because I didn't. I was just a normal guy before I got my powers, and I could've seen myself the same way you see yourself. As a freak, but instead, I chose to make the best of what I can do. And I think that you deserve the chance to be one too. Besides, I think your little brother would think it would be pretty damn cool to have a robot sister." Wally said and Kira couldn't help but chuckle at that.

"I know you're right, I just, I can't figure out how to move forward with my life." Kira said.

"You start by letting us help you. Just like how we helped Wally learn to use his speed, we'll help you learn to actually use your cybernetics, since I'm sure that there are plenty of things you can do that you never thought of until now." Jesse said.

"Okay, I guess that's as much of a first step as possible." Kira said, thinking that was a place to start at least.

"Okay then, let's get started." Wally said.

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