Chapter 9

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"Welcome home." Jesse said to her boyfriend with a smile when Wally entered the apartment they shared after he got back from Central City.

"Thanks. Sorry I was gone longer than expected." Wally said as he kissed her.

"It's fine. Your sister got engaged, that's huge. I can't wait to finally meet her and the rest of your family at her wedding." Jesse said with a smile.

"Neither can I. Especially since my dad made it clear that I could not put off introducing you to my family any longer. Though he does not know we're living together yet." Wally said.

"Why, you ashamed?" Jesse asked with a smile.

"No, but I saw how he reacted when Iris first moved in with Barry and while I'm sure that's just because she's his little girl, I don't need a repeat quite yet. Besides, it's not like you've introduced me to your parents yet, though you have a better excuse than I do since we are trying to put your dad in prison and no one knows what happened to your mom." Wally said, since while the public story was that Jesse's mom Eva had died months ago, the truth was that she'd just up and vanished.

"Yeah, tell me about it. Not a day goes by that I don't wonder what happened to my mom. All I know for sure is that my dad had something to do with her disappearance, his takeover of her company was too sudden, too well planned for it to have been random. I know he had something to do with her disappearance. I just wish I knew what he did to her." Jesse said.

"Well, that's something we can put our new teammate on." Wally said, referring to Dinah.

"I hope you don't mind that I offered Dinah a spot without asking you first." Jesse said.

"Jesse, I said you were in charge while I was gone and honestly, I think Dinah will be a good addition, since it means that I'll get some back up in the field, since you and Kira are not meant for field work. No offense." Wally said and Jesse chucked.

"None taken, you're right. I'm a scientist, a creator. I'll leave the punching people and destroying things to you and Dinah." Jesse said.

"I appreciate it." Wally said sarcastically.

"Oh by the way, now that you're back, maybe you can help me convince Kira that it's time to come clean to her family about her secret." Jesse said.

"Jesse, that secret is her's to tell when she's ready." Wally reminded her.

"I know, but she's using that secret as an excuse to avoid seeing her family again and as someone who would do anything for one more minute with my mom, I think that Kira should finally bite the bullet and tell her family what really happened to her six months ago. Especially since we're going to need to tell Dinah about her in the first place, since this team requires full transparency." Jesse said and Wally nodded.

"Besides, I don't know why she's freaking out about it. From what she's told us, her brother will go nuts when he finds out, hell, he'll probably be jealous, since I think that what happened to her is a dream come true for him." Wally said and Jesse chuckled.

"I agree with you, but that's beside the point. She's lost enough time with her family as it is. If her family really loves her, then they won't judge her. Besides, we gave her a way to hide what happened, so she's got no excuse for hiding from them." Jesse said.

"Are you at all concerned about how she never turns that off? I think that part of the reason she's resisting telling her family is because as long as they don't know, she has some way of denying what happened to her. She can act like it didn't change her." Wally said.

"Maybe. But in my opinion, she's stayed hidden for too long." Jesse said.

"We'll talk to her about it tomorrow. After we tell Dinah." Wally said and Jesse smiled.

"I'm just curious, why not tonight?" Jesse asked.

"Because I think we've both got other ideas about what we want to do right now." Wally said with a smile, which Jesse shared.

"So, why are we still here Impulse?" Jesse asked right before she squealed in joy as Wally lifted her up and sped into their bedroom.

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