Chapter 28

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Kira Runk was currently going over the schematics of her current project, which was a new, cybernetic, prosthetic arm that was decades ahead of any other lab in the country and the reason for that is because her design was actually based on her cybernetics, since as her body regenerated, the more she was able to study them and while she wasn't able to create anything else like her yet, she had learned enough to start creating technology based off them.

She was starting by creating a prosthetic arm that, once installed, would instantly sync up to the host's brain and interact with their nervous system like a real arm would. She was even planning on embedding the same hologram tech that she used to conceal her cybernetics to help the person blend in. She was also designing it to be built out of a special polymer instead of metal so that it could pass through metal detectors. However, unlike Kira's arms, the prototype was not weaponized and unless the military offered up one hell of a contract, this project was designed more for veterans or other people who'd lost their limbs in accidents or something like that, the arm was not meant to be weaponized.

"Nice to see that all the money I've devoted to your study is being put to good use." Jesse said as she entered Kira's R&D lab.

"Considering how it means I can put my technology to good use beyond keeping me alive, yeah." Kira said with a grin.

"How's the regenerating going?" Jesse asked, since she knew that Kira's body was healing itself.

"About 50% already. My hologram is only on from the waist down." Kira said and Jesse chuckled.

"Who knows, soon you'll be able to take the first step with Lisa, since we all know you're into her." Jesse said and Kira chuckled.

"I'm not even going to bother denying it anymore, since I know you don't buy it." Kira said.

"Good. So, anyways, how much longer do you think until we're able to start actually building this thing?" Jesse asked, referring to Kira's prototype designs.

"Not sure. While my cybernetics help speed up the process, I'm still having trouble finding a way to make human technology work like the alien technology that created me. Especially since I'm not a neuroscientist. I can develop most of the technology over time, but I can't figure out how to create a neuro interface that works as efficiently as my bionics, since the human body wasn't exactly meant to be augmented like this." Kira said and Jesse nodded.

"I'll start looking into some neuroscientists who can help with that, since I think that this will not only help a lot of people, but it'll also be a gold mine." Jesse said with a smirk.

"Really Jesse?" Kira asked, rolling her eyes.

"What, I may be a scientist but I'm also a businesswoman which means I need to think about things that will make my company a lot of money." Jesse said.

"Just as long as you agree that this technology is not to be used as a weapon." Kira said.

"It won't, though you can't deny it would be cool if McCulloch could build a real life Iron Man suit." Jesse pointed out.

"Never say that around my little brother, since while I agree that would be awesome, he'd totally sell that idea to Mercury Labs." Kira said and Jesse laughed.

"Deal, but maybe we should start working on something like that, if only so you can rub it in the faces of all the nerds you see at Comic Con." Jesse said.

"Maybe, but you know how I feel about building weapons. I feel awkward enough knowing that if you remove my skin, I look like the terminator." Kira said.

"Noted. But on a different topic, have you been keeping tabs on Ramsey, since I know that he stole back his research from us, I just don't have proof and I want him in prison before he does something drastic." Jesse said.

"He covered his tracks. I'm still working on it. It's too bad though, since he is a brilliant scientist." Kira said and Jesse nodded.

"If he weren't so obsessed with immortality, he probably could've found a cure for HLH, but he's too unstable and his obsession is clearly clouding his judgment. I had no choice but to fire him and he's lucky I didn't have him discredited, though I may have too soon." Jesse said.

"Probably. I wish I could understand why he's so afraid of dying." Kira said.

"I really don't think you have room to talk considering the fact that you should've died in that accident, but instead you became a literal Cyborg." Jesse said.

"Fair point." Kira agreed, right as her system registered an alert that someone had broken into her apartment.

"What's going on?" Jesse asked.

"Someone broke into my apartment. Call Wally, tell him to meet me there." Kira said as she shifted to her Cyborg form and flew out of the exit hatch she'd installed in case she ever needed to join Wally in the field like now.

"On it." Jesse said as she made sure Kira's files were locked before leaving the lab.

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