Chapter 22

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Lisa and Silver Wolf were quick to engage in combat while the remaining guards decided to form a kind of shield around Carver, mainly so they could stay out of the way of the two women fighting.

"I have to admit, I'm surprised to find a Snart involved in this. Isn't a jailbreak a bit out of your family's paygrade?" Silver Wolf asked.

"Let's just say that things have changed. I'm on my own right now and a girl's gotta look after herself and Carver here plays a role in that." Lisa said as she got scratched by Silver Wolf's claws.

"Impulse, I've got a party crasher here who could use a trip outside. There's not enough room in here for me to fight her properly." Silver Wolf said in the comms.

"On it." Impulse said and a moment later, he phased into the truck and then grabbed Lisa before speeding and phasing out with her in tow.

"Thank you." Silver Wolf said as she looked around the truck.

"Helmets off all of you. I want to make sure we don't have any other stowaways." Silver Wolf said as the other guards did as she said to reveal that none of them were traitors.

"Dibny, pick up the pace, we need to get moving." Silver Wolf said.

"We're already at top speed. Any faster and we risk doing some actual damage to this thing." Ralph said from upfront.

"Then we'd better hope that my team can keep us protected until we get to the detainment facility." Silver Wolf said.

"Sorry about the express exit." Impulse said to Lisa when they came to a stop on the side of the road.

"Don't be sorry. I honestly prefer it this way anyways. With plenty of open room and no annoying dampeners to keep me from doing this." Lisa said as she suddenly generated a golden mace in her hands, her eyes glowing gold.

"What the?" Impulse asked, since that was new.

"Call me Golden Glider. Here's a clue why." Lisa said as she chucked the chain at him, Impulse barely managing to dodge in time.

"You have powers?" Impulse asked.

"Courtesy of being in Central City the night that particle accelerator exploded. I was working a gold heist and then the next thing I know I can actually create gold." Lisa said.

"Then why would you need to commit crimes when you can create gold." Impulse asked.

"You really think I want people knowing I'm a walking talking goldmine? Crime provides a cover. Besides, that's all I know. Besides, it's fun as hell." Lisa said with a smirk.

"Well, fun's over lady Midas." Impulse said as Lisa swung her chain and tried to throw it at him, but she wasn't fast enough to hit him.

"Can't touch this." Impulse said as she kept trying to attack him, but he kept dodging.

"Gold's great and all, but you really should not use that against a speedster." Impulse said.

"Why not?" Lisa asked as she encased her fist in gold.

"Gold is an excellent conductor of electricity. Let me show you." Impulse said as he chucked a lightning bolt at her and the moment it hit her gold covered fist, the lightning strike surged through Lisa's body, knocking her out and Impulse quickly checked her pulse and was relieved to find that she still had one.

"Lisa Snart's down, but alive. Cyborg, what do you see?" Impulse asked as he picked Lisa up, intent on speeding her ahead to the Argus base to receive medical treatment.

"Get her to the base quickly. My scanners are detecting multiple bogies incoming." Cyborg said.

"I copy that. It sounds like metahuman Lisa Snart is the least of our problems." Jesse said.

"I'll be quick. After all, when am I not?" Impulse asked.

"Do you really want me to answer that question over the comms?" Jesse asked as both Silver Wolf and Cyborg laughed.

"Very funny Jesse. And we need to give you a codename so no one can recognize you." Impulse said.

"But we are definitely talking about that later." Cyborg said.

"Of course we are. But Impulse, please hurry back. Silver Wolf needs to stay with the transport and Cyborg is still a bit too green to handle this kind of stuff herself." Jesse said.

"On it." Impulse said as he sped Lisa out of there.

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