part-18(time table set)

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Teja came out after getting ready

Kk was on call with omi n was talking about some when teja came n sat there ...

Kk: ok omi u keep update of hospital...

Kk kept the call ...

Kk: good morning..

Teja:  good morning Karan...

Kk: tea ...

Teja:  hm...but y r we having here ... y not with mom n dad...

Kk: there r two reasons.... first we have to start studying...n second I want to talk with you about something...

Teja: ok...

Kk: teja do u trust me ...

Teja: hm yeah ...

Kk:teja do u think abhi will be happy seeing u like this ... or anyone is right... teja u have to fulfill abhi's promise that is making ur dream successful but this I don't think u want to  ..

Teja:  no no I want to ..

Kk: then listen from tomorrow we both will get up at 6 in the morning...

Teja:  whatttt..6...r u serious... I love my sleep Mr...

Kk: ohh ... madam ... I m not asking u listen get up at 6 ... going for walk meditation n then at 8we will start studying biology... till 10 ....  n 30 min break we can have breakfast...then from 10:30 to 12:30  we will study chemistry then from 12 :30 to 1 u have break which lunch should be finished...then from 1 to 3 physics then 10 minutes break then from 3:10 to5 mathematics... n after that u can be free till 8 n from 8 to 9 go throw everything u did on that day  then at 9 u have write test ...then dinner n then sleep... did u understand...

Teja's eye were fully open hearing everything...

Teja: r u serious about early morning...

Kk: dam serious have ur breakfast soon because we have to study from today itself...

Teja:  hm

Then they had breakfast... kk gave her some vitamin tablets then they both went towards study room...

Kk: so let's start...

Teja: hm..

Kk shows her everything he collected...

Teja: ok but I need my notes which Is in my bag it's in room I will get it ...

Teja got up n brought her bag ... n opened her notes...kk checked her notes which impressed him because she had already prepared notes in a proper way n she had already completed her study 80 percent...

Kk: wow teja...I very impressed...good job ...

Teja:  thank u ..

Kk: then let's start... they started studying kk explained her few topics more easily...

N then soon the day ended while they to slept...

Kk was very happy to see teja busy n impressed from the way she reads  ..

Guys comments down if u want me to give more parts n please like ...

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