108(don't let it effect u)

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Then kk made her seat n he himself sat in front of her...

Kk: teja ...jaan I m sorry I was not with u ...

Teja: no sunny it was not ur mistake I think It happened by mistake..

Kk: I don't think so.. ok leave then on me .. Omi is finding out... n now listen to me very carefully...that we have life left to plan kids... n If we could not then also I have u n u have me we will live n die happily... so please don't stress urself...

Teja: sunny I know it was unplanned but after knowing na it gave a different feeling...

Kk: I can understand jaan ... n now don't let this effect u please...we will come out from everything...

Teja hugged him...

Then they spent sometime n in evening adaa came to meet her...

Adaa: yar u r fine na..

Teja: haa..

Adaa: u scared us teja...

Teja: I know...

Adaa: take this are all the notes of today jiju had rold me to give u...

Teja: what ..thank u yar I was worried about my studies only...

Adaa: thank juju n now I will go

(Kk was on call)

Soon she left n teja got up slowly went towards balcony where kk was standing n was busy on call...

She back hugged her n kk slowly turned n while being on call he picked her up n sat on sofa keeping her on his lap...

Teja kept her head on his chest...

Kk: ok fine I will be there...

As soon as kk told teja got up and saw him

Kk cut the call n soon teja started asking questions

Teja:  sunny where are u going...n for how many days ...

Kk: shhh jaan...I m not going anywhere..I m going to visit another branch of our hospital which is 30 minutes far n I will go when u will be fine..

Teja: hmm.

Teja then again kept her head on his chest...

Teja: sunny thank u...

Kk: y..

Teja: for telling adaa notes ..I was worried about it a lot but u gave me a relief...

Due to abortion her body got weak n she was having back pain ...

Teja: sunny my back...

Kk : wait let's go inside I will give u oil massage  ..

Kk picked her up n took her to room n gave me massage...

During which teja slept n kk was lost in some thoughts...

Kk to himself:  y I m feeling that someone is back of my princess... and whoever it is he will not be alive for sure Because he has woke up the lion   ..n my princess is suffering so much not only physically but mentally too ...

Kk was in his thoughts when his phone rang he soon took his phone n ran towards balcony as teja was sleeping..

Kk: ha omi say..

Omi:  bhai we could not find who it was but it was definitely a student  ..

Kk: dam it can't u find a man..like seriously omi..

Omi: bhai I m trying..

Kk: I can see...search it

Kk then went down made dinner for both n arranged tables with candles...it was night n kk went to woke her up..


Teja: hmm

Teja shift herself on kk's lap...

Kk: oye baby get up have dinner n then sleep get up get up ...

Teja then got up n got fresh...

Kk :now feeling better..

Teja:  hm

Kk then picked her up took her down ..after seeing what kk has done teha got emotional...

Teja: sunny thank u for being the best husband.... sunny can I ask you something..

Kk: ha jaan..

Teja: sunny are u fine..

Kk: ha..

Teja:look in my eyes and say sunny. 

As kk saw tears started falling from his eyes n teja to let him cry...

After that they had dinner n then went to sleep...

Next morning:

Guys sorry I m give very short update but only today I m busy from tomorrow u will get as before...

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