part-24(i want to do it for my husband)

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In morning teja woke up first n saw she was sleeping hugging kk it gave her a peace...n a safety...

She had a smile on her face....

Then teja some how came out of his Hands n saw time it was around 7 ...

Teja to herself:  y didn't her wake up ..n y did not he take me to walk...

While thinking all this she got fresh n came back n saw her side table which was having chocolates n few items to eat ...

Teja took the chocolate n went towards balcony n sat there ...

Teja to herself: I started trusting him because of bhai but now I Also trust him because of his actions n the way he just do things with pure heart...he not only trying to make Me stronger but also he is making me trust him fully...I don't know how our relationship will be ... but because of karan I believe that he will make it beautiful for me n I will also give my hundred percent from now because I want what bhai wants......

Her thoughts were broken by kk ...

Kk: tejaa...y did u get up...

Teja: firstly good morning...

Kk: good morning..

Teja: n secondly..I got up because hm I was having Pain...

Kk: his is it ..

Teja: it's still there but will go ..

Kk: hm ok ..

Kk turned to go towards washroom...

Teja: Karan..

Kk: ha...

Teja: thank u .

Kk:'s my rights teja so don't thank me ..

Teja:  hm..

Kk: teja tell helpers to send tea ...

Teja:  ok u go ...

Teja was about to call helper for tea then she decided to make it by herself so she came down n made tea for him...

When kk got back from washroom he saw teja entering the room with tea...

Kk went near her ..

Kk: y did u bring..

Teja: hm..that ...

Kk: y didn't helper bring...when they make it they should come n give...

Teja:  I made the tea ..

Kk: whattt yy...

Teja:  what y ... I wanted to make it for my u have any problem...

Kk could not say anything so he shaked his head in no...

Teja : come have ...

Kk: let's have in balcony only...

Teja : let's go  .

Then they sat there n had there tea ...n after having tea they sat in silence which was speaking a lot for them...

Kk: teja u get ready we will go hospital after having breakfast  .

Teja: Karan I m fine leave...

Kk: as u said u wanted to do it for u do I will not come in between but I will also do what I want for my wife so u better don't come in between...

With this kk got up..n went in room ...

Teja went back n kk was Making his hair when teja went neat him...

What do u think teja went near him comments down?

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