part-125(again messed up)

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Then they had there dinner n soon they again came back to room..

Kk: panda...

Teja: hm..

Kk: teja come let's sleep..

Teja: no first u have this ...

Teja gave him medicine n then went to her side to sleep but kk pulled her towards him with his one hand...teja to needed it so she didn't try to come out..

They both slept feeling peace in each other's arms...

In mid night teja got up to drink water...n after drinking she again went n hugged kk but ...kk was burning like fire... he was having very high fever...

Teja:  shitt... he has so high fever...

Teja got down from bed ran n got few things...

First she took thermometer 🌡she checked n it was more then 103...

Teja: sunny baccha please get up...

Kk: no let Me sleep teja...

Teja:  get up sunny have this n sleep..

Kk: teja let me sleep na my body n head is paining a lot..

Teja: u have very high fever sunny..just take this tablet n then sleep please...

She some how made him take tablets...

Then she took cold water n started doing strips...

Till morning 6 she did it n when his fever finally reduced she took a breath...

She slept while seating next to kk..

Kk got up at 9 n felt little weak but lot better then before

Soon his eyes fall on teja n was shocked to see that the girl was treating him whole night...

Kk to himself:  I m so lucky like I have hurted her but she is always my side she was taking care of me the whole night thank u God for sending her..

Then kk made her sleep on bed... then he got up got fresh n as he came out he saw teja was not there on bed..

Teja went down to make breakfast kk came down in the search of teja ...

Kk saw her in kitchen n his anger took over him...

Kk: teja what are u doing here...

Teja didn't answer n his answer increased ...

Kk: teja say me y r u here .. come back to room u r not fine..

Teja was not replying which was not going good with him...

He went hold her hand tightly n started to walk back to room...

Teja: Karan leave my hand...

Now kk was not saying anything he took her to room..

Teja: leave my hand ... it's paining...

Kk left her hand holds her shoulder..

Kk: what has gone in ur head teja why are u acting like that... oh u r still angry on that things.. yar teja have a big heart to forget thinking..

That was it for teja she slap him n went away..

Kk could not think or say anything...

Before he could react his phone rang...

Kk: ha dad .

Kd: Sunny get up... I know u r still sleeping.. we had to come back due to some emergency please take care of my daughter and urself...

Kk: ok dad u all also take care

Kk to himself:  ahh ..what is happening to me ..she was doing it for me only from night she I'd doing n I again fucked up... she is always giving her best but I m hurting her so much... ahh God give me some brain...

Kk went in search of teja n found she had kept breakfast n medicine on table

Kk: princess where are u...

Kk started to search her but she was no were to be found n then he saw her out doing something on laptop...

Kk went n saw she was in a meeting...

Kk: she is in which meeting...ahh...fuck how can I forget this...

What do u think the meeting was about... comments down..

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