part-40(teja's questions)

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Kk: teja now u have neet in 2 to 3 months date can be out any day so start working on it ...

Teja: hm...
Kk: teja r u listening to me ...

Teja: hm..

Kk: teja..
Teja:  yeah I m listening...

Kk: say what's going In ur mind

Teja: how do u know..

Kk: oh I know because I know now say...

Teja: hm that I wanted to talk n ask few things...

Kk: ask ...

Teja : Karan... I don't know how to say ...actually hm whenever u r near Me my heartbeat increase n I feel something different which I never felt ... I just don't know anything... y Is it happening...

Kk: teja ok let me explain u everything... so yeah first answer me do u know what is sex...

Teja: hm I have heard it ..

Kk: ok ... do u know how babies are born...

Teja:  no na..

Kk: ok ...

Teja: y r u asking...

Kk: teja when u like some one or u love them then ur heartbeat increase ...n the different u r feeling is ur body is loving the feeling like my talk etc...

Teja: so ur heartbeat also increases when I m with u ...

Kk: yeah.. now also it is not normal see...

He picked tejas hand kept it on his chest near heart n teja was feeling his heartbeat...

Kk: hm so now let Me explain u want to know what ur mom was saying  u ...actually hm... mom was saying u that u should allow me to kiss u sex with u...

Teja: ok...

Kk: so sex means having  Intercourse of female n male ...

Teja:  ah ...I didn't understand..

Kk: ahh... that it is... ok I will show u but u can't ask me anything after that...


Kk then took his IPad n played a sex video n gave it to her with earphones connected ..

Kk: take teja n  u watch it I have some work I will finish it...

Kk did not even wait for her reply n went away..

Kk to himself:ahh... m I doing wrong by making her see the video but how can I explain because I don't want my feelings to wake up... I hope she get to know everything...

There teja started video n as video started getting hot tejas eyes became fully widely open ..

Teja to herself  This is what mom was saying oh my God .......Now what should I do ....Should I ask Karan  .... but what will I ask... do he need this ... yar how he might not need it ... but stupid teja u don't even know to kiss

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