part-77(kk found teja)

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Next morning both woke up soon teja for new life n kk for his wife

Teja prayed n went to exam hall

Kk too prayed first for teja's exam n next to get her back...

He to left to go to her exam hall...

Kk reached first as it was near by to him n teja reached after 30 min..

Kk who was in car seeing teja ...

Kk to himself:  my princess... she has become so weak... it feels like she is not having proper food ... n She look so pale all her color is gone nor she is happy...

Teja went inside not knowing kk is seeing her ...

She went n her exam started... the neet will be for 6 to 7 hours so kk waited there only ..without having anything because he knows she to didn't have anything...

The bell rings n teja came out n kk just went n grab her hand n started walking..

Teja who was shocked n scared because of him...she tried to free herself but couldn't...kk forcefully made her seat in car n ran to his side n sat in car n put the child lock..

Teja: Karan what the hell r u the door ..

Teja trying to open the door but it was not opening..

Kk : try harder wifey...

Kk started driving the car n soon they reached home ...

Kk came out and again holds her hand and started walking towards the door...

Teja who was still trying to come out but couldn't..

Kk: done trying... now leave n walk properly..

Teja: leave my hand Karan

Kk just did not listen n took her inside..

Kk made her stand n tejas eyes fall on km kd tm td..

Teja:  mom dad papa maa.

Tm came forward n gave her a slap... the slap was very strong due to which she lost her balance n fall...n kk was going to make her stand but

Teja: don't Mr Karan kundra I can stand by my own I don't need any help...

As she stands again she gets a slap n tears started falling from teja's eyes. .

Tm: ...

For next part ...


Present: 385

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