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Kk was in kitchen n ran as he heard tejas shouting...

Teja was seating on bed folding her legs...

Kk: teja what happened baby ..u r fine...

Teja:  sunnyyy...

A drop of tear fall from her eyes...

Kk: baby what happened say na I m with u... just say baby...

Teja: sunny I don't have anything to wear...

Kk: ohh..what...u were shouting n crying for this...

Teja just blinked her eyes...

Kk: teja u scared me... ok first stop let me help u with this big problem...

Kk:I had my one set here so I used it teja panicked...

Kk: don't cry baby ... I have my one set in car let me bring that .. u can wear it ...

Teja: thank u sunny...

Kk: wait I will bring...

As kk went out from room...

Kk to himself:  what happened to she never cries on this all things...oh shit how can I forget her periods are going to come soon...shit ..kundra ur duty on ... madam moods are on point before only...

Kk went n brought...n gave to her..
She quickly changed n came out n jumped on him...

Kk: what happened baby..

Kk felt teja was crying...

Teja: sunny I m sorry I m troubling u a lot..

Kk: baby look into my eyes...

Teja met his eyes

Kk: baby u r not troubling me ... infact I m enjoying it... n u look soo cute n hot in my hoodie...from now u will wear my hoodie...I just loved it on u..

Teja: sunny... I m hungry...

Kk: baby breakfast Is ready come let's have...
Teja: sunny it's lunch time not breakfast..

Kk: if u say I can even have my dinner..

Teja understood what he was saying but acted...

Teja : what r u saying sunny I did not understand..

Kk: do not play with me...if I start na it will stop at its end .

Teja then didn't say anything just blushed a lot...

They had there breakfast...or lunch...

Then it's time for them to return home n right now they were in car..

Kk: teja ..

Teja: hm..

Kk: teja have this na..

It was a table..

Teja:  what is it sunny...

Kk: hm..sorry yesterday after seeing u I lost my control n forgot to use protection..

Teja: hm...

Kk: have it Teja...

Teja just took n had it...

Kk: baby I m sorry...

Teja: y ..

Kk: I was very rough on u ... n I know u r in pain but u r not showing..

Teja: jaan it's a sweet pain...n it was ur love so don't say sorry ..

Kk: teja ...


Kk: u r mine ..only mine..

Teja:I m only urs sunny...

Then they reached home n kk came out picked her up from car n took towards there room ...

She was still in his hoodie ..

He dropped her on bed...

Kk: jaan now sleep for sometime I have a operation to perform ...

Teja:sunny u will come soon na..

Kk: yes sleep...

Teja slept n kk had gone to hospital..
He perform the operation n tried to save the patient but he could not ...

Where ever it happens he gets disturbed..

Kk just came out n directly went towards abhis room ..

Kk holds his photo: ..y did u go away's feel empty without u...I failed to save one life...I sometimes feel so unlucky that I could even save u... I m sorry abhi...

Tears started falling from his eyes n was there for almost 1 hour .

It was 12 in night n teja was restless because kk did not pick her call...n when she asked hospital Staff about him they told he had already left as no one knew he was in abhi's cabin...

Teja was waiting on door to just find him ..she wanted to call omi but he was not in the city...

She all most was about to cry when she heard his car noise...

Teja ran towards the door n opened it n found him..

Kk: princess..

Teja: sunnyyyyy...

She hugged n started crying.  .

Kk: shhh..what happened..did anyone say ..y r u crying baby...

Teja: sunny where were u .. n...

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