Chapter 2: Soren and Mobius

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Mobius starts to approach the door, and Ravonna opens it.

"Could you be more careful? Almost hit my nose,"

"Mobius, I am not in the mood. Be careful with this one; she's difficult to deal with. I'm starting to rethink bringing her here. I better not regret it," Ravonna warned, handing Mobius the files about Loki's daughter.

"Her name is Soren Aesho. She is 5ft 7in tall and 25 years old. It seems she was part of the Young Avengers alliance in the past but is now going solo. Additionally, she's not human like I initially thought; she belongs to another alien race that was allied with the Asgardians," Ravonna provided the information.

"I'm sure it will all be fine. What's the worst that can happen?" Mobius reassured.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" Ravonna walked away, visibly angry.

Mobius entered the room where Soren was waiting. She was a pale, beautiful woman with long wavy black hair and piercing blue eyes. She was dressed in a sleek dark blue and black army-level catsuit with a black poncho and gloves.

"Man, I'm looking at the spitting image of your father," Mobius commented, pulling a chair in front of her.

"So I've heard from everyone else," Soren replied, looking away with her arms crossed, leaning back in the chair.

"What did you say to Ravonna? She seems angrier than usual," Mobius inquired.

"Things she didn't want to hear—that this place is just a time-wasting bureaucracy. I didn't have to be here. Your goons came to me for help, promising to let me meet the man who brought me into existence. The only reason I'm here is to discover the missing part of my family," Soren explained.

"Very eager to start this mission, I like it. And you will soon meet the man. But before that, I'd like to know a little bit more about you. The information in these files is vague, so maybe you and I can get to know each other," Mobius suggested.

Soren kicked up her legs on the chair, tilting it back slightly. "What more do you want to know?"

"It says here you were part of the Young Avengers group for a little while. What happened there? Why aren't you still a part of them?"

"I don't want to get into that. Let's just say we had a disagreement," Soren evaded the question.

"Alright, I won't press further into that," Mobius respected Soren's reluctance to discuss the matter.

"It also mentions here that you're an alien. Mind telling me where you originally come from? It says you're not human, yet you look human. I'm also interested in the history of your society," Mobius inquired further.

"I was pod born in Arva, which is part of the Nyon Empire—a highly advanced civilization known as the galactic police of the galaxy, alongside Xandar. You're familiar with the war that took place with Thanos.  We couldn't offer assistance due to an ambush. Many of our people perished in that war and the subsequent snap. However, our population was already small, so the snap didn't affect us," Soren explained.

"I've heard of them, a very brutal civilization, but highly intelligent. Wasn't their Empire comprised of around 150 planets?" Mobius recalled.

"Yes, but that was the case years ago. Now, only four of them remain," Soren replied with a tinge of sadness.

"It's truly tragic. This means your mother fought in the war against them. That whole conflict was essentially genocide against your people," Mobius sympathized.

Soren stopped tilting the chair back and leaned forward, showing a more serious demeanor.

"Are we done with this little history lesson?" Soren asked, eager to move on.

"Not quite, but I did notice the glowing eye ring. Is there more to your abilities or enhancements?" Mobius inquired further.

"The eye glow? Most of me is cybernetic. It helps stabilize the powers I possess, or at least it attempts to," Soren revealed.

"And how did the alliance with Asgard come about? Can you shed some light on that?" Mobius asked, shifting the focus of the conversation.

"The alliance with Asgard happened a long time ago, before its destruction. It came about when a tall, dark-haired woman arrived in our empire and began committing acts of violence. Asgard, instead of opting for war, sought peace and deliberated on what to do with the prisoner. It was a debt owed, so to speak. Surprisingly, we discovered many similarities between our civilizations, leading to a friendly alliance," Soren explained.

"Well, at least most of it is cleared up now. We should get started on this case. But before you meet your father, I'll be taking him to one of the clues left in the Renaissance fair. It might lead us to the variant. In the meantime, you can examine these files left by the variant and see if you notice anything we might have missed," Mobius suggested.

"I'm not here to spend the entire day looking at files. I have more pressing matters back in my dimension," Soren replied, showing her reluctance.

"Please, Soren," Mobius pleaded, hoping she would cooperate.

"Fine, but I'll be taking these files to my room," Soren agreed, asserting her conditions.

"Alright, we'll catch up with you soon," Mobius said, concluding their conversation.

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