Chapter 19: The Void Part 2

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A few hours passed as Loki rested and engaged in conversations with the other variants, contemplating Soren's illness and the potential for a cure or a way to separate her from the power stone. He reclined on the couch, a glass of wine in hand, deep in thought. (Is there any solution out there that could heal Soren? Asgard in her dimension is destroyed, and the magical artifacts we once had may have held the answer. But for now, escaping the void should be our primary focus. Perhaps I can devote more attention to her condition once we find a way out.) Loki took another sip of wine, lost in his musings.

Old Loki noticed Loki's contemplative state and asked, "What thoughts occupy your mind?"

"Just thinking about Soren's condition, it's deeply concerning," Loki replied.

"I understand," Old Loki acknowledged.

Loki then inquired, "Is there truly no escape from the void?"

"Not with Alioth guarding this wasteland," Kid Loki interjected.

"Alioth?" Loki queried.

"That massive storm cloud that devours everything in its path, that's Alioth," Old Loki clarified.

"It ensures that everyone remains trapped here or becomes its dinner," Kid Loki added.

Loki contemplated for a moment before suggesting, "Then Soren's attempt to create a device to escape becomes our best option. Surely, there must be another way."

"One of the variants attempted that before, and, well, now there's nothing left of them," Old Loki revealed.

Loki inquired further, "Is there a way to perhaps kill Alioth?"

Kid Loki and Old Loki exchanged amused glances, bursting into laughter. Loki grew annoyed, rising from the couch. "What? We may be skilled at survival, but we are also adept at finding ways to escape. Maybe there's a vulnerable spot, a heart or brain, to bring down that monster," Loki proposed, but their laughter continued.

"Killing Alioth would be an act of suicide," Old Loki stated. "I believe our best chance of escaping lies with Soren's device," he added, and as if on cue, they heard banging sounds emanating from Soren's room.

"Hm, I gather from the sounds that it's not going well," Old Loki remarks.

"Should I go and check on her again?" Loki inquires.

"If you wish," Old Loki replies casually.

Loki walks over to the door and knocks gently. "Are you okay?" he asks. The door opens, revealing a slightly angry Soren. "No, not really," she responds. Loki steps inside, observing the scattered device on the floor and rods protruding from the wall. "What's happening?" he inquires.

"I need a particle, but there isn't a way to get that without a major power source, which, in this case, we don't have. I manage to get the quantum waves so maybe communication to Alta is possible. I thought I could put shit together and get out of here, but it really does look like I need outside help," Soren explains.

"What particle is it?" Loki asks.

"The quantum particle, the waves are different, I have to localize the particles to open portals like the tempad. Yes, my powers can charge it, but to actually get it isolated I need a more robust machine to be able to do that, and then put it in a tube to use. But, then, runs the issue that it needs to be stabilized. All of that machinery is back at home, to build it by scratch here, would take forever. I made a shell of a device that sends waves, I don't know why I thought that would work, it sparks, but that's it." Soren says. 

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