Chapter 6: Loki and Mobius Part 1

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They arrived at the library, and Mobius requested all available files and clues regarding the variant. Taking a seat, they delved into their research.

"Alright, our task is to uncover how the variant is eluding us," Mobius briefed Loki.

After a considerable amount of time immersed in their investigation, Mobius and Loki decided to take a short break between files.

"So..." Mobius trailed off, breaking the silence, "how did the conversation with your daughter go?"

"I can't say it went well. I feel strangely disappointed in myself and the way I spoke," Loki admitted, his voice filled with regret.

"I'm curious about what you said. Soren is here to assist us, and she's the most capable person for this job. We can't afford to alienate her so early on," Mobius cautioned.

"I mentioned, or at least part of it, that I hoped she wasn't seeking a father figure in me. Now, I feel awful for saying that. I should have paid closer attention to her subtle cues, but I mistook them for another TVA agent observing me. My judgment was clouded," Loki confessed, placing his hand on the bridge of his nose and shaking his head.

"I understand. Perhaps apologizing to her would be a wise course of action for all of us. From what I've gathered, she's incredibly powerful and exceptionally skilled with technology. She's our greatest asset thus far. I suggest you make an effort to get to know her, as you never know if you'll have this opportunity again," Mobius advised.

"I definitely want to rectify my mistake. The news of having a child in the future is still sinking in. It's hard to believe," Loki confessed, his mind still reeling from the revelation.

"I can only imagine how significant this is for you. I'd be floored too," Mobius empathized.

Loki glanced away from the stacks of files and noticed one that piqued his interest.

"Anyway, I'm going to grab a snack while you continue reading through those. Take your time," Mobius announced as he stood up and left the room.

Loki immersed himself in the files, reading about the destruction of Asgard. He fought back tears, swiftly moving on to other documents. Hours passed by as he delved deeper into his research. A thought crossed his mind, one that sparked a theory about the variant hiding in apocalyptic events. Determined to share his idea with Mobius, Loki rushed over to his table just as he was about to eat his salad.

Using Mobius's salad as a prop, Loki demonstrated his theory, by squeezing the juices and salt into the bowl. However, Mobius looked disappointed, witnessing what was happening to his salad. "Therefore, nothing matters, nothing branches, leaving the variant undetected," Loki concluded with a smile. However, Mobius remained cautious about Loki's idea.

"It's a good theory, Loki, but I won't take you to apocalypses. I can't risk you stabbing me in the back, and that's not a theory I'm willing to test," Mobius responded.

"Stabbing you in the back? That would be a rather dull form of betrayal," Loki remarked. "I understand your lack of trust, but let's bring Soren along. She can keep an eye on me if you'd like."

"So, I have to deal with both of you? Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen," Mobius replied.

"Why the sudden distrust towards her? Isn't she here to help?" Loki questioned.

"It's not that I don't trust her, but there have been some suspicions raised about Soren. Ravonna briefly mentioned it," Mobius explained.

"What did she do?" Loki inquired.

Mobius paused for a moment, contemplating the situation. "You know what, let's bring her along. Maybe Ravonna was being overly paranoid," he decided. "But before we include her, you should probably apologize to Soren and see if she wants to join us," Mobius suggested.

"You're right, Mobius," Loki sighed, realizing the importance of making amends.

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