Chapter 3: Soren and Alta

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Soren decided to deviate from her original plan of going to her room in the TVA. Instead, she took a detour to explore the rest of the facility.

"Why spend ages reading files when I can take a little tour?" Soren thought to herself as she gazed out of the window, observing the boxy-looking cars and retro-style buildings outside.

Suddenly, Soren received a call from Alta, her trusted ally.

"Hey Soren, just checking in on you," Alta greeted.

"Always perfect timing, Alta. I have a few thoughts I wanted to share," Soren replied.

"What's on your mind?" Alta inquired.

"This TVA place feels off. I'm looking around, scanning, and planting bugs to see if there's anything else going on," Soren explained, expressing her suspicions.

"Ah, I see. You're being paranoid and spying on a bunch of people you don't even know," Alta remarked.

"Well, if you heard my conversation with Ravonna, it wasn't exactly promising. It felt more like blackmail," Soren revealed.

"What do you mean?" Alta asked, curious to know more.

"Do you remember Wade Wilson? The asshole who got his hands on my little time-traveling device?" Soren questioned.

"I do," Alta confirmed.

"Well, it turns out that since I created the device, they were planning to use it against me somehow. As if I had any control over Wade stealing it," Soren explained, frustration evident in her voice.

"I understand. From the base here, I can start infiltrating their networks, but you'll have to get to their main computer or something similar so we can make copies of their data. It shouldn't be too difficult," Alta suggested, offering her assistance.

"It's peculiar how their technology is advanced but has this retro '80s vibe to it. It's like the movie Aliens took a step further and evolved into this place," Soren remarked, observing the surroundings.

"Well, if it's actually retro-based, then it should be easier to navigate. Maybe we'll even find something valuable," Alta suggested, intrigued by the possibilities.

As Soren wandered through the halls of the TVA, she came across Casey, one of the employees.

She silently approached him, standing creepily behind him.

"Hey dude, what's on these box computers?" Soren asked, slamming her hand on his desk and leaning against it.

Casey jumped, clearly startled. "I thought you were someone else," he stammered, taking a second look at her. "Actually, you look just like him. He once threatened to gut me like a fish, but I didn't even know what that meant."

Soren looked annoyed. "Maybe he was onto something," she said, her expression turning mischievous.

"What do you mean?" Casey asked, confusion evident on his face.

Soren grinned and traced her finger along his chair. "Actually, whoever said that was being merciful, compared to what I would do," she replied, her voice filled with coldness. Soren twisted Casey's chair around to face her. "Like I said, what's on these computers before I resort to breaking bones," she stated, her eyes piercing.

"Um, um, it's a bunch of files with information on the multiverse. Though it's not everything. Ravonna would have greater access," Casey hurriedly answered, trying to appease Soren.

"Even better," Soren said as she spun the chair back and began to walk away. But before she exited the room, she glanced over her shoulder. "Also, if you breathe a word about this little incident to anyone, and I mean anyone, you and I will have more than just a chat," Soren threatened, winking at Casey.

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