Chapter 9: Loki and Mobius Part 2

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(Realizing that Soren is ill is heartbreaking for me. I'm lost in my feelings and thoughts. All my actions lead to another person being hurt. I honestly don't know what to do. I can deceive Mobius and go back to them, they are my future family, but I am my own person now that deviated from the timeline.) Loki's' mind is processing his thoughts. Loki and Mobius were walking towards the hall where the TVA agents were having a quick meeting.

Loki's mind races as he processes his thoughts. He and Mobius walk down the hall toward the meeting of TVA agents.

"What's troubling you?" Mobius inquires.

"Soren, my future self's actions. I never anticipated being this confused," Loki admits.

"I understand your dilemma. You're torn between embracing fatherhood for someone you never knew until now or leaving that part of your life untouched," Mobius responds.

"That's precisely the struggle. She is my child, my future if I haven't died, I would still be a part of her life, and it pains me to think otherwise," Loki confesses.

"It may be difficult, but it seems you are leaning towards embracing your role as her father rather than simply being her friend. Your concern for her well-being and the playful banter between you two, even if unconsciously, reflects that. Just remember, this is not a permanent situation," Mobius advises.

(Perhaps not permanent, but I am determined to find a way back and learn more about my future self. The blonde woman I glimpsed in those clips must be Soren's mother. There must be a path back.) Loki contemplates.

As some time passes, the agents gather at the lockers to prepare for their mission to Roxxcart.

"Here, gear up," Mobius says, handing Loki the dual-wielding blades. Loki's face lights up with joy as he holds his cherished weapons once more. However, their excitement is short-lived as B-15 approaches them.

"Absolutely not," B-15 states firmly, snatching the blades away from a disappointed Loki.

They entered the TVA meeting room where all the agents gathered in a circle to discuss their course of action.

Mobius retrieved the tempad and scrolled through different cycles of Loki variants.

"They all have slight differences in appearance. Our task is to find our Loki," Mobius informed the team.

All eyes turned to Loki.

"Presumably, the other Loki," Loki remarked.

The team lined up and began entering the portal to Roxxcart in Alabama, 2050.

"Is nobody concerned about my regained powers?" Loki asked.

"No, not really," Mobius replied.

As they arrived, it was dark, stormy, and pouring rain, leaving everyone soaking wet. Loki tilted his head and instantly dried himself using magic.

"What in the hell was that?" B-15 questioned.

"That was me using magic to dry my clothes, so I don't give away my presence with every squeaky footstep," Loki explained.

"Alright, the variant is definitely here. You and D-20 will head to the greenhouse, and Loki and I..." Mobius began, but B-15 interrupted.

"No, he stays with me."

"He's under my supervision."

"And this is my operational field, Mobius."

"If he poses a threat..."

"Of course, he's a threat. Remember the time theater?"

"Mobius," Loki tried to intervene.

"I want him with me."

"You are free to go back to the TVA and argue with Renslayer, but for now...we're here."

"We're not going back. The Variant is here."

"Mobius, it's fine," Loki assured. "You can trust me. I understand that I have to earn that trust, so I will."

"Why is it that the people you can't trust are always the ones saying, 'Trust me'?" Mobius retorted.

B-15 and Loki took a detour to the other side of the store as they made their way towards the greenhouse.

"I'm glad we get to spend this time together," Loki began.

"Quiet," B-15 interrupted.

"I'm saying we got off on the wrong..."


Suddenly, they stumbled upon a man browsing through flowers.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" B-15 inquired.

"Shopping for plants," the man replied.

"In the middle of a storm?"

"It's a hurricane sale," the man explained.

B-15 turned to Loki. "Could that be you?"

"I would have dressed more appropriately, but it's a possibility," Loki mused.

B-15 approached the man, but he swiftly grabbed her arm, taking control of her body.

"So, you're the fool who brought the TVA to hunt me down?" the Variant taunted.

"If I'm the one you're referring to, I would advise against attempting to enter the TVA. It won't end well," Loki threatened.

"I'm not afraid of whatever the TVA has in store for me," the Variant retorted. "You'll soon see what I have planned." The Variant in B-15's body and walked off to another section of the store. Loki followed in pursuit. 

"I was the one who covered your tracks back at the fair and deciphered the clues you left behind. I consider myself the superior version," Loki asserted. "So, there must be something you desire, like ruling the TVA or controlling the timeline."

The Variant switched hosts once again, possessing a co-worker who was hiding from the storm. B-15 remained unconscious on the ground.

"Actually, I have no interest in ruling," the Variant revealed before disappearing down a different aisle. Loki glanced at the shelves and noticed a bomb in place.

"So, your plan is to blow this place up?" Loki deduced, but before he could react, he was struck in the chest by yet another person the Variant had possessed—an imposing figure with a long beard. "Do you ever stop talking?"

Loki quickly regained his footing, engaging in a fierce brawl with the man. Despite his efforts, Loki struggled to gain control of the vacuum and swung it around, landing a few hits. However, the man seized the opportunity and snatched the cord, swiftly wrapping it around Loki's neck. Gasping for air, Loki fought against the tightening grip, but the man overpowered him and hurled him across the room, causing his head to collide with the pillars. Dazed, Loki tried to gather himself as the man returned to one of the devices and began tampering with it.

Slowly rising to his feet, Loki's anger boiled over. "What do you want from me? What is all of this about?" he demanded. "Haven't had enough?" The man laughed before succumbing to unconsciousness. Loki's attention shifted to the hooded figure nearby.

"It's not about you," she coldly remarked. She proceeded to set up the tempad and opened a portal. Waving casually to Loki, she departed through the gateway. Loki remained seated for a moment, contemplating whether to follow her through or wait for Mobius.

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