Chapter 13: Lamentis-1 Part 2

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Loki, Soren, and Sylvie arrived at the station. Before boarding the train, Sylvie scanned the area and noticed guards denying entrance to the line of desperate civilians. The trio paused to devise a plan that would allow them to board the train unnoticed.

"Well, this is a shitty situation," Soren commented.

"I say we should just hijack the train," Sylvie suggested.

"Killing them won't help. Remaining undetected would be the better approach," Loki interjected.

Soren leaned on a pole and crossed her arms, sporting a soft smile.

"What are you so happy about?" Sylvie questioned Soren.

"You two are trying to one-up each other, showing off who's better. I find it funny. But... I do agree that hijacking would be easier," Soren agreed.

"We finally agree on something," Sylvie remarked.

"Soren, I'm sure you would also agree that killing people is wrong," Loki attempted to lecture Soren.

"Seriously? Coming from you? The one who waged war on New York out of pettiness from your parents? Or the one who tried to kill a bunch of icy giants?" Soren challenged.

Loki looked disappointed that he couldn't get through to her. "You know?" Loki shook his head. "What I'm trying to say is, back during our walk, I mentioned that I made bad decisions. However, you also mentioned that you tried to fix your own poor decisions. Could this provide an opportunity for both of us to be better than what we were?" he explained.

"Does any of that matter if all of them are about to die anyway?" Sylvie asked.

Soren looked at Loki, giving him a soft glance, acknowledging that he was right. She tapped Sylvie on the arm. "It does matter," Soren answered. Loki smiled softly at his daughter's agreement. Soren then looked at the train and the crowd of people in line. "What was your idea, Loki?" Soren asked.

"I'll pretend to be a guard escorting you two onto the train," Loki replied.

"I think that would look suspicious," Soren added.

"I can enchant them in case things go wrong," Sylvie offered.

"That sounds great for you two. I can find another way to get on while you guys enter," Soren suggested.

"I would be deeply concerned if your plan doesn't work and you end up being left behind. We don't have much time for a more thorough plan," Loki expressed with worry in his voice.

"I'll be fine. I'll go through the back. I've done this before; it's not hard," Soren answered confidently.

Loki nods and heads to the front of the train with Sylvie. As they get closer, Loki uses his magic to disguise his clothes to match the guards' blue outfits with helmets. "This is a shit plan," Sylvie whispers. "It's a great plan, just follow along," Loki says, and Sylvie rolls her eyes but complies with Loki's improvisation.

They approach one of the guards. "Taking this one to Suru. She's coming from the top to board this train," Loki lies convincingly. Sylvie notices the guard's hesitation and touches his arm to enchant him. "Is everything okay?" the other guard questions. "Yeah, everything's fine. Right this way," the enchanted guard moves aside to let them pass.

They enter the train. The interior of the compartment has a green dome-like appearance with diamond-shaped windows. It also features bars and tables for the passengers. They find their seats. "I can't have my back to the train," Loki remarks.

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