Chapter 18: The Void

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"Am I dead?" Loki asks aloud.

"No, but you will be if you don't keep moving," Old Loki replies.

Loki rises from the ground and surveys his surroundings. The place is in ruins, with fragments of buildings and vehicles scattered about, resembling an apocalyptic wasteland. The atmosphere is somber, with clouds looming overhead and debris strewn across the landscape.

"What is this place?" Loki inquires.

"The void," Old Loki responds.

"The dumping ground of the TVA," Kid Loki chimes in.

"And who are you all?" Loki questions.

"We are all variants of Loki," Kid Loki explains, gesturing towards himself and the others. As he speaks, a dark cloud begins to swirl, signaling the approach of a looming storm. In the distance, a monstrous creature hungrily devours the remnants of buildings.

"We don't have time to stand in awe. We must keep moving, or we'll end up as its next meal," Old Loki urges, his sense of urgency palpable.

They hasten away from the rubble, and Loki struggles to keep pace with them.

"Could we perhaps slow down a bit? I have several hundred questions to ask," Loki requests.

"Nope, we must keep going to avoid meeting our demise," Old Loki replies.

"I've gathered that," Loki remarks.

(Wait, if I'm alive and here, that means Soren could be here too. The challenge is finding her. Perhaps they have some information.) Loki ponders the whereabouts of Soren.

"While we're on the move, have any of you seen a girl with long black hair wearing an army suit and a black scarf?" Loki inquires.

"Ah, so you must be Soren's father. As a matter of fact, this bag here is for her. We found it while scavenging," Old Loki answers. "She's quite adept with technology, that one," he adds.

"She's alive. That's a relief," Loki says, grateful for the news.

"Well, she's not doing too well. That wound of hers is quite serious. I have some leftover medicine that might help, but I'm not certain," Old Loki admits.

"You've been looking after her?" Loki asks, a tinge of jealousy surfacing at the thought of someone else caring for his child.

"No one else was stepping up. If I didn't, she would likely be suffering elsewhere," Old Loki explains.

"Thank you," Loki says, acknowledging that his decision to trust Old Loki was justified.

They arrive at the bunker, and Old Loki begins turning the wheel to open the door. The interior appears noticeably tidier than before, with minimal litter or clutter.

"I've made an effort to clean up the place since Soren arrived. She's in that corner room there, but I'd suggest giving her some time to rest before going in," Old Loki suggests, gesturing towards the room. "You can take a seat on that couch there. Would you like some wine?" he offers.

"Sure, I'd love some," Loki replies, settling onto the couch.

"You must be proud that she's quite powerful too. I actually witnessed her vanquish one of the other variants here. Many of us are intimidated by her," Kid Loki remarks.

"What do you mean?" Loki inquires, accepting the glass of wine from Old Loki.

"Your daughter vaporized another Loki variant. It took a toll on her, though. She collapsed after the act. The good news is that the lesser Loki variants are afraid to come near this place now," Old Loki explains, taking a sip from his own glass.

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