Chapter 10: Soren, Loki, Variant, and Alta

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Soren patrolled the TVA halls.

"Loki and Mobius know about your condition?" Alta asked,

"Yeah, I wasn't planning on that, if anything, I thought I wouldn't be so soon for another shot," Soren says.

"I may have some solutions on the side, but, it needs to be tested and refined. Your body has so much power it has a hard time regulating it."

"If we were to somehow suck it out of me, would that work?"

"Potentially, but you already messed with some of your systems back at the heist in Macrodemia, your body may depend on it. Hard to say from here, I see that the screens of your system are dangerously overloaded and critical. I say try to take it easy."

There were sounds of men screaming and rumbling echoing the halls.

"You hear that?" Alta asked.

"Sure did, I get back to you later," Soren closes her call and sneaks into the hall peering her head on the wall.

The Variant was fighting TVA agents and knocking them out on the ground.

(Finally some entertainment.) Soren thought. She takes out her sickles, which is connected to a chain.

The variant is close to the door at the end of the hallway. Soren walks away from her position.

"And where did you think you were going?" Soren calls out.

Soren, grinning with determination, unleashes her chained sickles, causing the bright blue ringers around her pupils to glow. The Variant, still on guard, awaits Soren's move. Seizing the opportunity, Soren swings her sickle into the ground, unleashing a powerful wave of force that shreds pieces of wood and propels them towards the Variant. Although the variant manages to evade most of the attacks, Soren's sickles clash with the Variant's sword, creating a momentary deadlock.

In a display of strength and skill, Soren pushes down, forcing the Variant to bend her knees to maintain balance. However, the Variant breaks free and retaliates with a punch to Soren's side and a kick that sends her staggering backward. Soren quickly regains her composure and sidesteps a slashing attack from the variant, countering with an elbow strike to the variant's stomach. Creating distance between them, Soren taunts, "You done yet?" Displaying her annoyance.

Enraged by Soren's resilience, the variant charges at her once again. Reacting swiftly, Soren skillfully wraps the Variant's sword with her chained sickles and yanks it away, disarming her opponent. In a desperate attempt to escape, the variant reaches for the tempad, but Soren swiftly smacks it out of her hand. "Nope, you're not running again," Soren asserts as she grabs hold of the Variant and forcefully pins her arm behind her back, asserting her dominance in the fight.

Loki swiftly enters the hall, his daggers gleaming in his hands as he spots the fallen tempad on the ground. Meanwhile, Soren, unaware of her father's presence, struggles to maintain her grip on the variant. The variant seizes the opportunity, elbowing Soren in the head, and swiftly making a dash towards her sword. Soren stumbles and loses her balance, collapsing to the side. Loki's eyes widen with concern as he rushes to Soren's side, readying his daggers in a defensive stance.

The variant, now armed with her sword, and Loki face each other, circling cautiously. "What is it that you want?" Loki demands, pointing his dagger at the variant. "You're in my way," she retorts coldly. A fierce determination glimmers in their eyes. The Variant slashes her sword and delivers a forceful kick, sending Loki tumbling backward. As she begins to walk away, Soren, fueled by a surge of determination, swiftly wraps her chain around the variant's ankle, toppling her to the ground. The Variant retaliates, kicking back at Soren's leg. Despite the blow, Soren manages to regain her footing, the variant blocks Loki's renewed attacks. With a sudden burst of strength, the variant seizes Loki and pins his arm behind him, pressing the blade of her sword against his neck.

Soren, her eyes burning with determination, rises to her feet once again, her sickles at the ready. "Stay back! I mean it," warns the variant, her voice laced with a mix of desperation and defiance. The tension rises as the sound of approaching footsteps fills the air—the arrival of Ravonna and her guards. Sensing the imminent danger, Soren backs toward the variant, taking a step closer. "You come any closer, and I'll kill him," the variant threatens. Soren rolls her eyes, her resolve unshaken. "Go for it," Ravonna boldly retorts. In a swift move, Loki seizes the opportunity, snatching the tempad from the variant's pocket and opening a portal.As confusion fills the air, Soren tries to utter a protest, but before she can fully comprehend the situation, they all tumble through the portal, leaving Ravonna's slash of the prune stick to miss them by a hair.

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