Chapter 7: Loki, Mobius, and Soren

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"I believe her room is 582," Mobius informed Loki as they arrived at Soren's door. "Nervous to talk to her again?" he asked with a hint of curiosity.

"Shockingly, I am," Loki admitted, taking a deep breath. Mobius knocked on the door, and Soren opened it. "Can I help you with something?" she asked.

"Ah, yes, we have a theory to test, and we may need your help with it. Also, Loki has something to say," Mobius explained.

"I prefer to talk in private for a few minutes if you don't mind," Loki requested. "Go ahead, I'll wait out here for a bit," Mobius agreed.

Soren welcomed Loki into her room, and he took a seat on the couch, gesturing for her to sit in the chair. "I wanted to say sorry about what I said," Loki began. "If anything, I was trying to express that I don't know how to be a father. Moreover, my return to our world might not happen because of this place in particular. I do want to know more about you, but at the same time, I feel disconnected from the idea of having a child. Perhaps things would be different if I were alive in your timeline," he explained sincerely.

Soren nodded understandingly. "I get that. I'm not here solely because I want to know you. I have things I need to fix, mistakes I've made. I only met you once during the final war against Thanos. I was with Thor when we went back in time, and he was going through a difficult time. I wanted to know you for myself, but you were in jail. Thor had a lot to say about you and the stories he shared. But I completely understand if you don't want that connection," she replied.

Loki's head slightly lowered, feeling a twinge of hurt from her words. (I strangely feel a parental bond with her, a peculiar twist of her not being my biological child, yet still sharing my blood. Perhaps there is a way to rediscover what I once knew. Maybe being out of my timeline doesn't have to end with being trapped in the TVA,) Loki thought to himself, contemplating the possibilities.

There is a knock at the door, and Soren gets up to answer it.

"Don't mean to intrude, but we really need to test out the theory. The faster we get this done, the quicker we can catch the variant," Mobius stated.

"I'm ready. How about you, Loki?" Soren asked.

"I'm good to go too," Loki answered.

"Glad the both of you were able to patch things up," Mobius said.

They all leave and enter the hallway, heading toward their destination.

"Any ideas where we're going?" Soren asked.

"To test this theory, we're going to Mt. Vesuvius in Pompeii, Italy, in the year 79 A.D.," Mobius answered.

Soren thinks to herself for a moment. "Isn't that the place where the volcano erupts and kills everyone?" she questioned.

"You shouldn't be afraid, Soren. You're part god, like me," Loki reassured her.

"No, I know that. I'm not afraid of a volcano turning everyone into ash. I'm just not well-versed in Earth history unless I look it up," Soren clarified.

"Well, we're going to start things slow, so the timeline doesn't branch. Are you both ready?" Mobius asked.

They both nodded, and in an instant, they were teleported to the location.

Loki, Soren, and Mobius found themselves in the doorway of an ancient building. "So, we need to start off with something small, like tossing something or..." Mobius began, but Loki interrupted.

"You're making the end of the world sound boring," Loki interjected. Soren rolled her eyes and headed over to a fruit stand, picking up a piece of fruit. As they continued discussing how to avoid triggering a nexus event, Soren threw the fruit at Loki with a mischievous smile.

"I missed; I was aiming for your head," Soren teased.

"Soren, you should be more careful and not hit..." Mobius started to say before he was interrupted by Soren throwing fruit at him. "Ha, what is that 10 points?" she teased.

Loki quickly rushed to another stand and threw a piece of fruit right back at Soren. "That's for messing up my suit," he playfully teased. Meanwhile, Mobius shook his head, wondering what he had gotten himself into. (What have I gotten myself into? I'm definitely going to get in trouble for this), he questioned himself.

Soren, filled with mischievous energy, began pushing over objects from the wooden shelves, creating a mess with the clothing, and knocking it off the tables. A Roman man yelled at Soren in ancient Latin, which she didn't understand. She glowed her eyes at him, scaring the man away, and grinned to herself in amusement.

Loki climbs onto the wagon, where the goats are waiting to help them escape and run. "You're free, my horned friends! Yeet, yeet!" Loki yells excitedly, playfully patting the goats' backs.

"Mihi nomen est Loki. Praefectus consilii ad tempus mutandem. Atque adfero acerbum nuntium ad vos omnes! Voooooos omnes! Morituri estis. Iste mons ignis pastus per saecula in vos est evomiturus. Scio haec esse vera quod ego de futuris advent." Loki warns the people.

"We're from the future, right? What is the TVA? I mean, it's from the future. It's pretty futuristic," Soren laughs heartily at her father's antics, and Loki smiles and chuckles along with her.

"You two are unbelievable," Mobius says, clearly amazed. As the volcano begins to erupt, he remarks, "Right on cue."

Loki climbs down from the wagon and tosses things into the air from the basket next to him. "Nothing matters, nothing has any consequences," he says, embracing the chaos.

"Nothing is branching off. I think that's enough. Let's go back now," Mobius suggests.

"Awe, you didn't want to stay longer? It's just ash," Soren sarcastically remarks and Loki chuckles at her comment.

"Are you two done goofing off?" Mobius asks. They both nod, and they are instantly teleported back to the TVA, carrying their newfound knowledge with them.

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