Chapter 16: Soren Into the Void

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Soren awakens in a desolate, shattered landscape surrounded by clouds and debris. The ground is littered with remnants of buildings, broken cars, and crumbling highways, casting a sense of hopelessness and darkness over the scene. (Why haven't they just killed me? This place feels like a living nightmare, a torturous existence.) Soren's thoughts echo with despair as she takes in her surroundings.

With determination, she navigates through the ruins of what was once New York City, the Avengers Tower now decayed and crumbling. Faint voices and silhouettes of people can be heard in the distance, and Soren's eyes ignite with a readiness to fight. Suddenly, President Loki emerges, accompanied by his gang of followers.

"Looks like we have a newbie," President Loki says.

"It's a woman!" one of them exclaims.

Soren locks eyes with President Loki, a defiant smirk forming on her face. "Looks like Mad Max vomited all over you guys," she taunts, unyielding in her demeanor.

President Loki responds, "Ah, a jokester. Perhaps we should teach you a lesson."

Anger courses through Soren's veins. "I'm done playing games," she declares, mustering her power and unleashing a forceful blast that sends some of the men hurtling through the air.

Nose bleeding from the exertion, Soren approaches President Loki, her power emanating with palpable intensity. "Consider this a message. Don't ever cross me," she asserts, using her abilities to lift him off the ground. With fear in his eyes, President Loki is torn apart and reduced to dust, leaving the onlookers horrified and scattering in all directions.

"LET THAT BE A FUCKING WARNING, YOU ASSHOLES!" Soren's voice reverberates through the desolation, a fierce proclamation. Exhausted and drained, she collapses to the ground, her body trembling from pushing herself to the limit. In a vulnerable moment, she clutches her poncho tightly, seeking solace and a semblance of stability amid the chaos.

Soren emerges from the city outskirts and finds herself in a serene, grassy field perched upon a cliff. She seeks solace on a massive boulder, allowing her wounded body to rest. As a gentle breeze sweeps through the air, the tranquility envelops her, but her thoughts persist, plunging her into a profound sense of melancholy. Tears well up in her eyes and cascade down her cheeks, as she confronts the regrets and self-blame that haunt her. (I should have never met Wade, all the other fucked up shit that led me down. But, it was my dumbass who followed and now I'm here dying. I should have listened to my Mother. I should have stayed on Earth, instead, I thought I could make it big in Macrodemia. Earth, was the only place where I had genuine friendships that kept me grounded, especially Peter. He always saw the goodness in me, even when I fucked up. I feel as though I have disappointed my family, Alta, and everyone who ever believed in me.) Overwhelmed by despair, Soren hunches over, her tears flowing freely, and a profound sense of hopelessness consuming her being.

Soren's heart leaps as a call comes through from Alta. With a smile, she hurriedly answers it.

"Hello?" Soren says, her voice filled with relief.

"I've been so worried, Soren. I've been trying to reach you for a while, fearing the worst," Alta expresses a mix of concern and joy at hearing Soren's voice. "I know time is limited before the signal cuts off again."

"I messed up big time. I feel like the biggest failure in existence and..." Soren trails off, her voice heavy with regret.

"Is something wrong?" Alta asks, her concern deepening.

"Yeah, I don't know where I am, I already killed someone, it was somewhat in self-defense, but I could've done it differently, and yet I just disintegrated him." Soren's cry becomes more evident, she composes herself before speaking, "I got into an argument with Ravonna, about the timeline and it when to hell from there. I don know if my Father is okay or anyone, I woke up in a cage, I tried to break out of it, and now I don't know where I am," Soren confesses.

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