Chapter 5: Loki and Soren

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Loki patiently waited for Mobius to return from Ravonna's office, feeling a mix of regret and embarrassment for the stunt he had pulled at the Renaissance fair.

As the door opened, his gaze fell upon a pale woman with dark, wavy hair. She wore a sleek army-style suit, suggesting agility and the need for lightweight armor to complement her small, toned frame. A black, flowing poncho draped over her, and she sported fitted black gloves. "Well, she certainly looks formidable. Perhaps one of the higher-ranking TVA agents in search of the variant," Loki speculated silently.

She took a seat across from him and leaned back in the chair. Her eyes began to glow, encircled by a bright blue ring. Loki felt a mixture of concern and uncertainty as he observed her. "If you don't mind me asking, you don't plan on vaporizing me for a simple mistake from Mobius and me on our mission, do you?" he cautiously inquired.

"No vaporizing here, buddy, unless you're asking for it," Soren replied with a slight grin, causing Loki's eyes to widen.

"Nah, I was just jesting. I'm merely searching the network, and I have no idea what you're talking about," Soren clarified her tone lightening.

"Through your mind?" Loki questioned, still intrigued.

"Something like that. I have access to a multitude of files. I can even make calls without uttering a single sound. If I wanted to, I could even project them," Soren explained, her abilities piquing Loki's curiosity.

"Are you some kind of robot?" Loki asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

Soren chuckled softly. "Ha, no, I'm cybernetic. It's a network I tap into frequently back home."

"Home? So, you're not a part of the TVA?" Loki inquired, surprised.

"Trust me, being here wasn't my first choice. I'm only here for contracts and deals. Once that's done, I'll return to Earth," Soren replied, revealing a glimpse of her true motives.

"A future human, then?" Loki guessed, trying to understand her origin.

"You're so close, yet you miss the mark. Earth is merely a stopover for me. I'm not actually human, just as you aren't," Soren explained cryptically, finding amusement in Loki's confusion.

"You don't seem Asgardian to me," Loki remarked, sensing an air of mystery around Soren.

"Well, I won't deny it, anyway," Soren replied casually as she continued swiping through some files, occasionally glancing at Loki, waiting for Mobius to arrive.

(Clearly, this girl is toying with me. There's an aura of secrecy around her. Is she hiding something? I should try to gather more information from her. She seems quite tech-savvy, which could prove useful,) Loki thought to himself, trying to decipher Soren's intentions.

"Have you met your daughter yet? She's actually pretty cool," Soren brought up the topic, catching Loki off guard.

"I haven't had the chance yet. Mobius has given me vague answers. But I'm aware she's not exactly my daughter; she's my future self's child. It's all rather perplexing, and I hope she doesn't expect me to play the role of a traditional father. I'm quite different from what that family represents," Loki explained, his thoughts still tangled in confusion.

Soren's expression turned momentarily stern, but she quickly composed herself. "Maybe you don't need to meet her then. You could discuss it with Mobius."

"In my own peculiar way, I still want to meet her. I'm contemplating many things, and I have numerous questions about her. I'm even curious about the blond-haired woman I saw in those clips. She seems significant to me, like a magnetic force drawing me to her," Loki mused.

Just then, Mobius entered the room. "Ah, I see you two have acquainted yourselves with each other," he said with a knowing smile.

"What?" Loki was taken aback.

"Loki, this is Soren Aesho, your daughter," Mobius introduced, expecting some surprised reaction.

Soren smiled and waved at Loki, trying to keep the atmosphere light. She then stood up from her chair. "Well, it was nice chat, but I'm going to head to my room this time," she said and started to leave.

"Wait, don't you want to join us in the library to review more files about the variant?" Mobius asked, trying to involve her in the mission.

"Not really. I already know who I'm looking for, and I can access all the files in here," Soren said, pointing to her head. "Call me when there's an actual mission. I'd rather not waste my time in this depressing shithole." She then turned and walked away down the hallway.

"Did you say something to her, Loki?" Mobius asked, noticing her abrupt departure.

"I might have. She didn't introduce herself, and I had no idea I was talking to my future daughter," Loki explained, rubbing his face with frustration.

"We'll talk more about it in the library, Loki," Mobius said, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

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