Chapter 14: Lamentis-1 Part 3

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Loki rises from his tumble and grows angry as he spots the two of them on the ground. He strides over to them, his figure towering above.

Soren's nose begins to bleed slightly from the strain of her powers. She quickly wipes it away, while Sylvie and Soren take a moment before getting back on their feet. Loki exhales deeply, his frustration evident.

"Have you two had your fill of fun?" he asks in a serious tone. Sylvie and Soren slowly rise from the ground, sensing his disappointment. Loki's frustration boils over.

"Please, you two were already partying like there was no tomorrow," Sylvie comments.

"Yeah, but you had to be the killjoy and make smug little remarks. We would have been just fine...," Soren fires back.

"Enough! Both of you are acting like children," Loki interjects, his voice filled with anger.

"And weren't you acting like a child not too long ago? What kind of father parties with his child and drinks to excess?" Sylvie counters.

"It was innocent fun. Back in Asgard, we would have done the same thing. But that's not the point," Loki responds.

Soren paces away from them, taking a seat on a boulder. Loki's voice grows more assertive as he addresses her, "And I'm not done with you either, Soren."

"You didn't have to escalate the fight, neither of you," Loki says firmly.

"She didn't have to draw her sword on me," Soren retorts.

"You could have de-escalated the situation instead of fueling the flames. I am highly disappointed and angry with both of you," Loki states, placing his hands on his hips. Soren looks down at the ground, expressing remorse.

"You know, we could have avoided this whole ordeal if you had just given me the tempad," Sylvie intervenes.

"You're right," Loki admits, revealing the broken tempad. "You asshole."

"Well, I did take quite a fall," Loki responds nonchalantly.

Sylvie walks away, seething with anger, and unleashes a burst of green energy in frustration.

Soren approaches Loki to examine the broken tempad. "I'm sorry, Soren," Loki apologizes.

"Here, let me see it," Soren says softly as Loki hands her the pieces. "I'm sorry too. I lost control of my anger. I'll do better next time."

Loki sighs. "It's okay. We've all made significant mistakes. Does being compared to me truly anger you?"

"After what you did in New York, it wasn't easy for me on Earth. I tried to distance myself from that mess during my time in the Young Avengers league. It wasn't the only reason I stopped, but I wanted to be my own person and not live..."

" the shadow of another. I understand that feeling all too well," Loki finishes her sentence. "We are quite similar, but I must say, Soren, you will surpass me in every way."

"I guess I just didn't want to believe it," Soren admits.

Loki offers a gentle smile. "What's the plan with the tempad, knowing that death may be imminent?"

"I can fix it, but we'll need some backup plans. I can contact Alta," Soren says as she starts dialing Alta's number and displays it on the screen for Loki to see.

"Hello?" Alta answered.

"Hey... so... the tempad is broken. I know I can fix it once we get to that city, but do we have any possible backup plan?" Soren asked.

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