Chapter 12: Lamentis-1

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They all start walking on the dirt landscape heading towards the town. Sylvie is the one leading them walking fast to their destination. Pieces of rubble is still felling from the sky and landing all around them. 

"I've seen you glazing at the landscape, back at the mining house, does it remind you of something?" Loki asks Soren.

Soren smiles, "Yeah, it does. Back at Plovthea, it was kind of like this. I never lived there, but I have visited a few times to the capital. I will say, that it's not this purplish though. Also, Macrodemia is mostly where my childhood was," Soren sighs. 

"Hopefully, it was a good childhood your mother gave you," Loki says. Soren looks down and a bit sad, "I would say, it had some good parts after the war. So much of it though, wasn't that great. It was rough and mostly just survival. My mother did what she could, did some bad things here and there before finding her Aunt; and from there I spent my teenage years on Earth before going on my own," Soren explains.

Loki looks displeased with her and upset by her response, " I'm sorry to hear, dear, I really am. When I was younger, back on Asgard, I had some rough times as well, maybe not as rough as yours, but with my father, he was hard on Thor and I. I have done terrible things back home and on earth, my point is to not be angered by the past but to move on and learn from it, I wish I had done that, I am sure your mother had her reasons to support you during those times. I am curious that you didn't bring up Thor."

"Thor? He wasn't really there, I did spar with him sometimes. Taught me some skills and learn more about... my grandmother and grandfather, he had tons of stories about you. He was happy that he had a niece, but he was in his own emotions when he lost everyone. Drank kegs of beer almost everyday. New Asgard was on it's own mostly. My mother and Valkyrie were the ones that ran things for a while, until another war happen to get everyone back. After that, Thor went his own path with the guardians and left everything to Valkyrie until he returns."

"That is outrageous!" Loki says with frustration in his voice, "He is suppose to help family and the people, that is the role father has always put on us as boys, and just to abandon a role, and go for his own frivolous pursuits,  yet they didn't want me as king? Knowing now that he was just going to leave and hand over the kingdom to a Valkyrie; that knows nothing about politics or ways of our home." 

"I understand that," Soren sighs, "from what I heard, the kingdom is doing great. I also think it was irresponsible of Thor to leave his duties behind. I also think, if you were alive in my timeline, you would be ruling New Asgard."  

Loki listens to Soren's words and takes a moment to gather his thoughts. His expression softens, a hint of sadness and longing visible in his eyes.

"You may be right," Loki replies, his voice tinged with a touch of wistfulness. "To think that I could have had the chance to rule New Asgard... It's a bitter irony that fate didn't grant me that opportunity. But I suppose destiny has its own plans, and I find myself here, caught in the web of time."

He pauses briefly, reflecting on the complexities of his relationship with Thor and the weight of their shared history. Then, with a faint smile, he continues, "Regardless of what could have been, I hope that New Asgard thrives under the care of Valkyrie. Though our paths may diverge, I trust that she possesses the strength and wisdom to lead."

"You don't really mean that," Soren says. 

"Of course I do, I'm not there. I can't exactly change how things are now, given our out of time situation." Loki says.

Soren has a slight chuckle, "'Out of time situation' how ironic" she rolls her eyes, "By the way, ruling isn't everything," Soren speeds up her pace to catch up with Sylvie. 

Loki sit back behind the group for a bit and ponders Soren sayings. (Perhaps she's right about ruling. Even New York didn't go as planned, besides the whole Thanos alliance I had. Maybe it's about something else or something more meaningful. However, why did she say 'out of time situation' ironic? Hopefully she'll open up about it, I'd hate to think it was related to her illness. I wouldn't know what to do if it was.)

The trio reaches the old mining town, Sylvie goes up to the sign and pulls her hand, "Alright, now I need the tempad. 

"You're joking right? A small ol' neon sign, isn't going to charge a interdimensional time device," Soren crosses her arms in anger. 

Loki has a slight laugh, "You really think we are that stupid, to just hand it over." 

Sylvie throws her hands up in frustration, her brow furrowing with annoyance, "Well, something has to be big enough to charge it, does anyone else have any ideas," she says with annoyance in her voice.

Loki and Soren ponder for a bit, "I actually know someone that can help," 

"You do?" Sylvie judges. 

Soren shoots Sylvie a piercing glare, her eyes start to glow blue around her pupil, she dials Alta. 

Loki and Sylvie look at Soren with confusion. 

"Ugh, fine I can hologram it," Soren Puts the call on hologram through her eyes so they can see. 

"Hello? Soren?"

"Hey Alta, I have a question." 

Loki and Sylvie see a small version of Alta on the hologram screen. 

"Are those two Loki?" 

"One of them is, the other is the nuisance," 

"Ah, I see, what's your question?"

"What would be big enough to charge a tempad?"

"Hmm, something related to time travel it has to be a big engine or rocket. If I may, where are you so I can get some deets and location."

"Lamentis one, year 2077, a bit in a hurry cause a huge ass planet is going to blow this place sky high if we don't move fast enough. "

Sylvie leans over to Loki, "How can they pin point where we are?" 

"Good question, I was just thinking that."

"Aright, so you have about nine hours until total annihilation. There a city near by about 2 hours to get on that train, I will say it's heavily guarded so proceed with caution. Once in the city, there's a Ark, a escape vessel up north, it carry's the same energy and more than enough to charge it."

"How do you know all about this?" Sylvie asks. 

Alta chuckles a bit, "You don't think TVA has all the info about time travel do you? Some of the technology was here is barrowed from Tony Stark, Soren and I made it more advance, that tech, helps me and I can see through Soren's eyes, I also have access to some of the TVA files," Alta explains. 

"That's how I ended up in trouble to begin with, I once made a device, Wade was the one to steal it and take for a joy ride. So, I was charged with the crime and not him. I'm guessing cause he's too much to handle." Soren adds. 

"You made a time-traveling device on your own?" Loki questions, raising an eyebrow in surprise.

"You might as well tell them Soren," Alta suggested. 

Soren shakes her head, "I'm not proud of it, but I made a lot of bad choices. Before bounty hunting gigs, I did weapon dealing to some terrible people and good people too. I was making a time device thinking I could fix those choices."

"Soren..." Loki's disappointment is evident in his voice, and his brows furrow in concern.

"I didn't have much choice. I was... we were struggling," Soren stumbles over her words.

Sylvie observes them intently, her gaze shifting from Soren to Loki, trying to gauge their emotions. She intervenes, "So, the train to the city is our best idea. How far is it?"

"About one hour north of your current location, there's a train station. It will take approximately two hours on the train to reach the city. We don't have much time, so I suggest you all start heading there immediately," Alta informs and closes the call.

"That's our plan. Let's start heading over to the station," Sylvie leads.

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