Chapter 17: The Timekeepers

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Mobius enters Ravonna's office, his curiosity piqued. He takes Ravonna's tempad and begins searching through the files of previous TVA agents and hunters. As he navigates through the data, he stumbles upon the file of the late C-20. With a mix of shock and intrigue, he watches the video confession, "The TVA is lying, we are all variants."

"C-20 is defective," The guard remarks on the revelation.

Ravonna's face reveals a deep concern as she abruptly closes the tempad files. "Cut the file, we are done here," Ravonna stops the video. The weight of the situation dawns on Mobius, and he realizes that Soren and Loki were right all along. Thoughts race through his mind as he processes this newfound information.

Driven by a mixture of shock and worry, Mobius directs his attention to Soren's file. His astonishment grows as he discovers that her file also marks her as deceased. With a heavy heart, he clicks on it, uncovering Ravonna's discussions about eliminating Sylvie and her unfinished task. The realization that Soren was hired to carry out the variant's execution hits him like a thunderbolt.

Digging deeper, Mobius learns that Soren's time device predates her arrest and that her intention to free the timeline was meant to restore its stability. Then, he witnesses the fateful confrontation, where Soren is overpowered and pruned by Ravonna herself.

Utter shock consumes Mobius as he grapples with the revelation that everything Soren and Loki had claimed was true. He feels a surge of grief and anger, knowing that Soren is no longer alive. "Loki is going to be furious when he finds out. I need to rescue him from the time loop," he resolves, feeling deeply betrayed by Ravonna's lies and the TVA's deceptive operations. The organization he once believed in is no longer what he thought it to be.

He discreetly conceals Ravonna's tempad in his pocket before she enters her office, seemingly surprised to see Mobius there. "What brings you here, Mobius?" she asks, making her way to the mini bar and pouring herself a glass of bourbon.

"I was waiting to discuss Loki and the variant cases with you. I must say, Soren did an excellent job apprehending the variant," Mobius fabricates, maintaining a composed demeanor.

Ravonna responds, "We've already resolved that case, so Loki is no longer necessary. I sent Soren home after she fulfilled her role. Pruning Loki is the most logical course of action to safeguard the timeline. Don't you agree?" She offers Mobius a glass of liquor, subtly exerting her influence.

"Ah, I wasn't aware of that," Mobius says, accepting the glass as a cover.

Ravonna inquires, "Haven't you disposed of Loki yet?"

"Not yet. I wanted to extract more information from him regarding the variant," Mobius replies, taking a sip from his glass.

"I'm still undecided on how to handle the variant. Considering her transgressions against the timeline, pruning her may be the most appropriate response. I'm even contemplating discussing the matter directly with the Timekeepers to ensure such accidents are prevented in the future," Ravonna states with a self-assured smile, savoring her drink.

Mobius ponders for a moment, strategizing his exit from Ravonna's office. "I think I'll take my leave and eliminate the nuisance after our conversation," he excuses himself, placing the empty glass on the mini bar.

"Just be wary of his manipulations, Mobius," Ravonna warns, her tone laced with caution.

"I'll be fine," Mobius assures her, as he pulls the door to exit her office, concealing his true intentions and thoughts.

After the exhausting encounter with Sif, Loki finally manages to break the cycle and finds a moment of respite on a nearby bench, next to a serene tree. He sits down, allowing himself to reflect on his past regrets and the choices he has made. Recognizing the pain he has caused to those around him, he can't help but wonder about his daughter, hoping she is safe and well. It then occurs to him that he still possesses the photo he took from Soren's work desk. Carefully, he reveals the photo and holds it in his hands, gazing at the captured memories.

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