Chapter 15: Nexus Event

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Soren's senses slowly return to her, yet she remains disoriented and in pain. She struggles to comprehend her surroundings, uncertain if she's alive or back at the TVA. Her mind is still plagued by errors and critical conditions. Wincing, she rises from the plain-looking bed and gazes down at her bandaged arm. Attempting to reach out to Alta, she finds nothing but static in her mental connection. Concern creases her brow as she surveys her room—a confined space with force field walls emitting an orange glow, a prison to keep her restrained. The throbbing ache in her arm intensifies, causing her to hunch over and grip it tightly, prompting a fit of coughing.

Unexpectedly, Mobius enters the room, and the door swiftly closes behind him.

Mobius: "That was quite a wound you sustained. You should exercise more caution."

Soren turns to face Mobius, her demeanor standoffish and guarded.

Soren: "Are they all right? Did they make it out?"

Mobius: "They've all been apprehended, if that's what you're asking."

Soren takes a seat as gestured by Mobius, who positions himself across from her.

Mobius: "So, your task was to apprehend Sylvie, yet you and your father embarked on a reckless escapade instead."

Soren interrupts, her tone laced with frustration.

Soren: "That's far from the truth. My father was with me inside the TVA halls..."

Mobius interjects with a firm tone.

Mobius: "Yet, he not only evaded B-15 but also failed to cooperate as part of our team."

Soren aggressively rubs her face, exasperated.

Soren: "And how is any of this my fault? Hm? We were trapped on a fucking planet on the brink of destruction! The tempad kaput on us. What else was I supposed to do?" Her words seethe with anger as she confronts Mobius.

In frustration, Mobius grasps the bridge of his nose.

Mobius: "You may have secured the variant, but I know there's more to the story, Soren."

Soren's arm flares up in pain once again, causing her to tightly grip the affected area, pressing down to alleviate the discomfort.

Soren, anguished and confused, responds, "What do you mean?"

Mobius, attempting to extract information, fabricates a lie, "Sylvie already informed me that you had a plan to reach the Timekeepers."

Soren lets out a bitter laugh, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "Oh, really? Did she also mention that you're all variants too? Or that Ravonna hired me to kill her? Ha! How about the part where Ravonna attempted to blackmail me?" Soren's words carry a mix of frustration and defiance.

Mobius is taken aback by Soren's revelations, momentarily stunned. "How about I throw a bone for you? The timekeepers are just a ploy for the one man controlling the timeline. And I can enlighten you on why that system is falling apart," she proposes.

Overwhelmed by the weight of the information, Mobius rises from the table and makes his way toward the exit.

As Mobius leaves, Soren taunts him, "And next time, try honing your manipulation skills. Clearly, they're not your strong suit." With her arms planted firmly on the table, she rests her head in frustration. Thoughts race through her mind, questioning why they didn't escape when they had the chance.

Glancing at the forcefield wall and down at her wounded arm, she contemplates her options, realizing that perhaps resting and conserving her strength might allow her to break free. However, uncertainty looms, as she is unsure of how much strength remains within her weakened body.

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