Chapter 11: Soren, Loki, and Sylvie

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The portal opens on the ceiling, and Soren crashes onto a pile of rubble, intensifying the pain in her head. Unconscious, she lies still amidst the debris. Loki lands heavily on the bed, while variant rolls onto the adjacent mattress. The tempad slides across the floor as the variant begins crawling toward it. Just as she reaches it, Loki grabs her leg, prompting a furious outcry.

"Get off my leg!" she yells, struggling to free herself. Loki forcefully drags the Variant away, but she manages to kick him, creating an opening. Swiftly, she swings her sword at Loki, who effortlessly teleports behind her and hurls her into the nearby racks. Seizing the opportunity, Loki snatches the tempad and swiftly retreats, concealing the tempad to himself from the variant.

"Just give it back to me. You don't even know how to recharge it," the desperate Variant pleads.

"Of course I do. You're not the only tech-savvy Loki," Loki retorts.

"Don't call me that."


"No, a Loki."

Loki's attention turns to Soren, still unconscious among the rubble. Concern etched on his face, he rushes over, shoving the variant aside. He cradles Soren in his arms, shaking her gently to rouse her from her stupor. "Soren... Soren! Come on, you need to wake up."

"Is she dead?" the variant taunts. "Well, at least that's one less person to worry about." Loki's anger flares, and he carefully sets Soren down, unsheathing his daggers.

"You really want to go there?" Loki's voice drips with firm warning. "You want to repeat this fight? Let's just kill each other while we're stuck here."

"Works for me, but I need that tempad."

Soren begins to stir, groaning as she slowly regains consciousness. Loki notices her movement and shoots the Variant a menacing glare before turning his attention to Soren. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" he asks, concern lacing his voice.

"Yeah... I feel dandy," Soren replies, her voice slightly strained.

The variant couldn't help but wonder, (Why is he showing such care for a girl who nearly had the upper hand? Who is she to him?)

"Where are we?" Soren asks, as rocks crash from the ceiling, causing the dilapidated house to tremble.

The variant's eyes widen with concern as she rushes outside. Loki and Soren follow, dodging the falling debris that surrounds them. "You idiot! This is Lamentis-1," the variant exclaims.

"I don't know what that means," Loki admits.

"Another planet is crashing into this one. It kills everyone," the variant explains.

They quickly evade the crumbling surroundings and seek refuge in another abandoned building.

Soren walks over to what used to be the living room, her mind racing as she ponders a way out of this chaotic situation.

Meanwhile, the variant and Loki find themselves alone. Loki looks out the window trying to calm himself and think about the situation. She attempts to enchant him, moving closer and wrapping her hands around his neck. A flicker of green light emerges as she employs her magic. "What are you doing? Trying to enchant me? It won't work," Loki asserts. "Why? Because you're a magician?"

"No, because my mind is too strong," Loki confidently replies.

The Variant enters the living room, taunting Soren with anger. Rising to her feet, Soren approaches the Variant, the ringer around her pupils glow with vibrant blue. "You're not helpful at all," the variant retorts. In a swift motion, Soren pulls the Variant closer, hurling her to the ground. Soren employs her disintegrative force powers to pin the Variant down, causing her armor to burn. "I'm so sick... and tired of your shit. Do you think you're the only one who wants out?" Soren's voice echoes with frustration. The variant struggles to break free, feeling the searing heat from Soren's powers.

Loki's ears catch variant anguished screams, and he rushes into the room, desperately trying to pull Soren away. "Soren, you must stop! Killing her won't solve anything, do you hear me?" Loki forcefully separates Variant from Soren, freeing her from the clutches of her wrath.

"Why should you care? What difference does it make?" Soren's voice trembles with frustration as she paces away from Loki. "I was hired to kill her because of some idiotic friend of mine who implicated me in timeline hopping that I never even did," Soren points at herself, shaking her head in disbelief. "Unbelievable! Wasn't this the mission?"

"That can't be the whole story, can it?" Loki presses, his tone laced with curiosity. "Listen, taking her life won't solve anything. Even I suspect the TVA isn't as righteous as it claims to be. I'm sure you have more to reveal when you're ready, but for now, we need to work together to escape this planet," Loki retrieves the tempad and displays it to Soren. "This device needs to be charged, and it's our ticket out of here." Soren gazes at the tempad and then looks back at Loki. "Keep it safe," she says, her voice softening with gentleness. Soren exits the room, casting a final glance at the variant before departing. She steps onto the deck of the crumbling house, her gaze fixed on the ominous purple sky as the planet draws nearer, with rocks continuing to trickle down. (Amidst all this devastation, it reminds me so much of Plovthea—the bluish-purple sky and, hell, even the ringed planets like those in Macrodemia.) Soren leans against a metal beam, lost in thought.

"What are you two?" the variant questions, her voice filled with curiosity. "That's my daughter," Loki responds, pride resonating in his words. The variant's surprise is evident, and she slowly rises to her feet. "I know a town nearby where we can charge the tempad," she suggests.

"Excellent, let's make our way there. By the way, what name would you prefer?" Loki inquires.

Before stepping out the door, the variant pauses, her expression resolute. "Call me Sylvie," she answers.

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