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3rd pov
It was middle of night, full Moon was shining bright, lighting up the cold dark sky. It was peaceful, owls were hooting and sound of the crickets added to make it even more calm and sincere.
But suddenly there was footsteps, running and running so fast like someone was chasing it, like it's life depended on on running away. But from what?

From the footsteps that would likely going to kill it once they get a hold of it.
Then the running boy tripped, already bleeding boy tripped and over a rock, rolled down and hit a tree. He hurt his ankle so bad that it was starting to swollen but it didn't stop him from standing up and looking around, seeing that if he was still being chased and as he assumed yes! they were still chasing him, the predators were coming he could see, hear and smell them and they were not happy about him escaping, so he started running again cuz he didn't wanted to get caught and go through all the abuse they have putted him into.

He ran even if his ankle was hurting, even though he was bleeding and his head aching so much that he would definitely pass out, he had to run even if his body was asking him to rest.
The chase was on again until he reached a dead end. There was a waterfall. The fall so high and the flow was so fast he knew he wouldn't make it alive, he was sure 99% but he hoped that the 1% of his survival chance would work. So he jumped.

He jumped and as soon as hit the the water, he blacked out. The people chasing him thought that he was dead and went back but actually he passed out due to exhaustion and blood loss that happened due to his successful try to escape,and river carried him away.

Time skip................
It was sunny beautiful normal day in katsuki's small village. The Fisherman were getting ready to go, grabbing their nets and hooks and traps. When they got ready, they decide they will go to their usual place the South of the river where they can catch as many as fish they want to and more.

As they reached their usual spot, they stopped, eyes wide, mouths agap as they were processing the scene in front of them, they dropped their equipments as they rushed towards the the body which was on the river shore and was covered with mud mixed up with blood. They quickly got hold of the boy, checked his pulse and got a relief when they got a pulse, though it was faint it was enough for them. They lifted him up and rushed towards their village and the to the doctor of the village, forgetting their equipments in the process.

Time skip brought you by izu-chan

In the big house, under a big tree lived a couple. A nurse and a doctor, they were peacefully enjoyed their morning with two cups of tea until it got destroyed by 5 fishermen that went to fishing but caught something else.
First they were shocked, it took sometime for them to register what was happening, then they saw a moppey green head with blood dripping from it. The men told them what happened and without wasting time they layed him down on their couch. They then took his pants and shirt off which was torn down, and when they got a good look at him they were shocked how did a omega can survive this brutal abuse.

His hair was messy, his forehead had blood dripping down though it stopped, his face was pale as ghost, his right cheek and eye was purple black so was his ankle, his collar bone was full of bites, his neck had handprints on the it, cuts and whip marks all over his body especially the back it was bloody red, the skin was ripped, he was also so thin and malnourished. Burn marks on his arms and chain marks on his ankles and wrists, there's were bitemarks and hand prints on his inner thighs which was evidence for them that this boy, omega was not only physically abused but also sexually harassed. This omega boy was strong to endure all of this. Doctor and nurse got up and started cleaning his wounds up, they got their healing herbs and medicines, they started stitching the cuts and applied ointment on the burns.

After they were done fixing up the boy, they told the men that the boy was now okay and out of danger and he will wake up soon. They also told the men to go and inform the village chief, best jeanist about it. So the Fisherman obeyed and walked away to the village chief.

Time skip

Once a word gets into air, the rumors spread so fast that you won't understand how and when it even started. A rumor about a omega boy who was a dominate one with green hair was founded by the fisherman on the River shore and who is at the doctor's house and awake, reached to katsuki's ear. He decided to go and check this out as he was suspicious that could it be
He was on his way to doctor's house and when he reached it, he opened it and was welcomed by wave of distressed pheromones that to strong ones. Took him a time to compose himself. But what shook from his core was a sight of the omega in front of him cuz it was not believable for him.
That same green messy hair with moppey curls that fell on all the right places, that same long green rabbit ears, that same big emerald green eyes that could put real emerald on shame, that same cheeks with freckles on it which was like stars on a dreamy night,that same pink plumpy beautiful lips even if it was busted. And that same scent of jasmine and forest after rain which instantly calmed him down and reminded him home.
Though it was sore as the bunny on couch was snarling and was in distress cuz why not, if are in new u don't know with new people with body littered with beatmarks u will have trust issues and you will be angry, sad and defensive.
Katsuki still in trance moved near to that drop dead gorgeous emerald eyed rabbit, he said one word and that bunny froze
I hope you guys loved this chapter plz don't forget to vote plz ❤😊.

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