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Last few days were in forlorn for the clan that was lead by the jeanist cuz they did not find any land that was suitable for the settlement of the clan. All the lands were either dry or were occupied by the enemy clan that was mainly the LOR our other small rouge groups. They were sometimes even attacked too. It was depressing and they were desperate.

"How long we have to go like this" One child asked, Exhaustedly. "I do not know my child" The mother said "how much more we have to walk"" I can't anymore plz spare me""I am thirsty "" I think I am gonna faint""I can't anymore". Murmurs murmurs whispers of the clan being tired. "Hey jeanist how long" A courageous rather a old man asked the leader of the clan.

"Well looks like everyone is tired, let's take a break" As soon as the words left the mouth of the best jeanist, everyone fell down and sighed in relief. "You did a good job tiring everyone jeanist" "Let's camp here for tonight" Jeanist said "squad let's go and check the area" Katsuki said commanding everyone in their squad. "Guys let's go and find some water and food for everyone" Izuku said while throwing his fist up in the air and ordering his squad at the same time.

"Ura-san, momo-san, toko-san will fetch water, me, todoroki-san, ilda-san will find fruits as kacchan's team is hunting, tsu-san, mirio-san, tamaki-san will collect the firewood, then we will meet here, ok everyone let's go" And with that izuku divide the work and everyone went to do their respected work.

Uraraka, momo, tokoyami went the near by pond to fetch water. "The water is good" Said momo after drinking some of it. So soon the 3 of them filled the earthen pots with water and were about to go back and drop the pots there and come back with new pots to fill, that when they heard a branch breaking.

Creak- clank-

The sound of pots breaking,low growl, heavy pants and feared footsteps running were heard through the silent forest along with the footsteps of the predator. "AHH" uraraka screamed as she fell down and the beast was nearing. Momo and tokoyami lifted her up and then again they started running. "HELP US" Those three screamed in unison in hope that their voice will reach to anyone of their friends and as they hoped it reached the ear of both omegas, izuku and denki.

"URA-SAN, SHE AND THE OTHERS ARE IN DANGER" Although they said in unison, they were in pretty much of the opposite side of the other. Well after hearing the call for help from his mate, will ilda sit idle. Mm the answer in pretty much no, so he turned into his wolf alpha form and ran as fast as he can on his four legs. And katsuki's answer was also no. The three groups followed that includes mirio's too.

The soon to be victims were still running, running for their lives , away from the big beast, a overgrown and out of control wolf. Uraraka ochako whose leg was already injured again fell and this time she very nicely twisted her ankle. The beast was reaching her very fast, her friends were frozen in fear and all she could pray to God to have mercy on her soul. Tokoyami and momo came and hugged her, indirectly saying we all will all die together.

The beast was about to jump at them and then everything went into like slow motion, frozen at place. The groups shouting, ilda jumping into air to hunt down the beast, katsuki throwing the spear, and the three hugging and cowering in front of the beast. Everything was like frozen in time.

A mighty punch came from nowhere and smashed the face of the cruel beast to ground with fast moving winds and like that everyone moved again. The movement the wolf fell, they took a breath in to see who did that to the beast. Familiar scent filled the noses of the dekusquad, the scent of capsicum and marigold and the squad knew who was the one to smash the beast down. It was YAGI TOSHINARI COMMONLY KNOW AS ALL MIGHT.

Two golden streaks of hair standing up like rabbit's ear though he was alpha and had wolf ears, very muscular, white snd never fading smile, golden hair swinging in air "DON'T WORRY, BCUZ I AM HERE" Yup that's the all might we know. "ALL MIGHT" The dekusquad shouted in delight.

"KIDS COME HERE" Another blonde with a long hair that uses to much of gel shouted, their beta teacher present mic, beside him was the mate of the present mic, aiwaza sensei who is actually their martial arts teacher and a old lady with great power of healing, teacher of Yaomomo, recovery girl 'RG' for short. They were waving their hands at them to come to their side as the battle is going to be heated.

They got the message and all of them ran towards their sensei's side. And as soon as they left , all might Texas smashed the wolf to the ground in few seconds and the overgrown wolf got buried 6 feet below the ground. That happened and all the dekusquad ran towards the shining golden hero of all time ALL MIGHT. All might hugged them and lifted all of them into a tight hug. The omegas started to cry and hugged the blonde even tighter, the betas and alphas got their head pated.

"All might I missed you so much" Izuku said sniffing and taking in more weird but good scent of all might. "We also missed u so much midoriya shounen" All might hugging his adopted son. "Well we missed the squad too if they haven't left without telling us" RG looking Worriedly and madly at the dekusquad. "You all came without telling them" Izuku in a shocked tone and the dekusquad just Shrugged. "Well now you all are safe, we should get u all and those kids to a safe place. This place is not safe at night" All might said "wait we have to get the clan here, they helped when I was hunted, plz dad" The last word took a stroke at all night's heart and he nodded yes.

When all might meet the leader, he immediately recognized him, best jeanist was his old and a bit distant friend. They were in need of shelter and a place to settle. Well for all might, a friend in need, a friend indeed. He agreed fir them to stay with them and settle down as they have plenty of land for everyone, the more the merrier. And as everyone started to move towards all night's clan katsuki asked that why izuku called 'him' dad. "Well kacchan, u see as best jeanist took u in , he also took and cared for me and when he came to know about my past, he adopted me as his son and as year went by I also accepted him as my dad. Though I miss my real dad. " Izuku said and katsuki just nodded.

After walking for half n hour or so they reached the place for their settlement, a safe heaven, shelter under the great all might. The clan of all might- UA(lol I got no other idea for name).

"EVERYONE" All might shouted diverting the attention of people towards him and then pointed at their lost prince izuku.
With the crowd cheered and izuku finally came back to his home sweet home
.............................. X................................

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