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Hey guys before going into the story let me tell you that i have uploaded two one shots, u can read them in my profile.
Pride in hawaii -bkdk
Dark Side of hero- swapped deku
Enjoy the chapter and the one shots and don't forget to vote, comment and follow plz

It was indeed a very beautiful and peaceful and joyful day for izuku cuz it has been two weeks since he got back to his clan and the blonde alpha was giving him his all attention and izuku's omega was loving it and taking it all. It was like the alpha was courting him. He will ask him if it was it or not but for now he has to do his morning chores.

Izuku was done with his work, those where patrolling the boundaries, watering the crops, giving their animals like horse and cows nice wash and food, washing his clothes and drying them up. The only thing left was to go to big village and bring few things. But before that he has to ask all might for permission because the older alpha is quite protective over him so he have to ask before going any where.

Meanwhile the bakusquad and the best jeanist were having a meeting at the council hall. It was about the attacks that occurred last week's and last month on katsuki's clan. Though last week attacks were not so big or cause much damage or victims still they had to be on their guard all the time, even at night there were people patrolling the area. So yeah they were pretty much alerted all the time.

Izuku reached the council hall and saw everyone including katsuki were having meeting. He went to all might and asked him about going to the big village next hill, all might shook his head no and then the argument started between both of them. They both had their reasons, all might being protective, he doesn't want his only son to be attacked or worse kidnapped and forced to mate as his heat was very near like after 5 days. Izuku wanted to be independent and wanted to prove that he can take care of himself and did not want all might to hover on him  all the time, he did not wanted everyone to think he was fragile and can't do anything on his own cuz he a omega.

So the room started to fill with angry and sad pheromones of both the omega and alpha. And now was time for the sandy blonde alpha, izuku's crush to come in between both of them and dissolve the matter. "Ok what the heck is going on here, u two know that we are in council hall and your damn pheromones are kind of disturbing everyone here" "I am sorry young bakugou" "Sorry kacchan" Both of them calmed down.

"Ok so what is the matter that got u two fired up" "Yeah well here young midoriya wanted to go to big village, next hill but you know how dangerous it can be so i want him to take someone with him" "But kacchan i want to be a bit independent, I can take care of myself very well and i don't want all might to worry about, he already has many things to stress about, he doesn't need to worry about, don't want to burden him" "First of all deku, u are not a burden but a top priority and he has the right to worry about u cuz u were kidnapped before third of all he is right u should take someone with you, it's not safe. I know you want to be independent but now is not the right time,so take someone with you" Katsuki said all that and izuku understood.

"Then how about kacchan to come with me" "Me" "Yes u, I mean u are story, dominant, brave alpha, you can protect me very well, won't you" "Of course I will, there is no doubt about it" "Then it's settled, me and kacchan are going to the big village" Then they both turned to all might and all might nodded in agreement.

Time skip after meeting and to the stables.

Both izuku and katsuki were near their horses, the black one was of katsuki's and it's name was king and white one was izuku's ride and it's name was jewel and both together made king's jewel. The were putting the clothe and sit and a big bag for the things they would buy and a lunch box . And then they got up and and waved at everyone and said the goodbyes.

EVEN AFTER DEATH(bkdk) Where stories live. Discover now