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This whole story will be in author or narrator pov. Enjoy, vote and follow.


Today is a very-

"KACCHAN KACCHAN WAKE UP WE HAVE TO SHOW MY SQUAD THE VILLAGE COME ON WAKE UP ALREADY" Izuku Screamed without letting the author finish her sentence"AGH DEKU SHUT UP EVEN THE SUN HASN'T WOKEN UP"katsuki shouted also without letting the author finish. Izuku then climbs up to katsuki's lap and straddle him. "Deku get off me" " Oh KACCHAN never thought you would this lazy, this weak, I am disappointed " Izuku said with a dramatic gasp and then "oh you lazy alpha come on wake-" Right when izuku was about to complete his sentence. The positions were shifted and

Katsuki was on the top of him and damn izuku's omega was liking the view so was izuku

'Oh fuck me alpha, take me plz'
'No omega no we don't know if Kachan likes us like that'
'One night of our heat, he fucks us and bites our scent gland and we are his'
Izuku visibly blushed red at mention of katsuki biting his neck and cuz of current situation.
'U know u are a horny omega'
'Oh shut up u are no better'
Though izuku didn't wanted to admit his omega was right. 'Damn kacchan you are gonna be the death of me'.

I mean who can blame him when a hot dominant alpha is hovering over you and that to damn shirtless and eyes, those damn crimson eyes looking straight through your soul. That is enough to drop any omega to their knees.

'Oh fuck me kacchan'
'Aha! See told ya you are no better. Here is the plan let me take over'
'Ok first no I am not letting u take over and second we don't know if he is into guys and third YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THIS SPOILED '
'Damn geez fine do whatever u want but remember our heat is coming'
'Yeah fine'

"So nerd who is weak now huh! " "Fine fine you win this time, but next time I will win" "Ohh so there will be other time to when I will  get to pin you down huh and what you said about me being lazy, omega I can show just how much stamina I have if you want. Right here, right now" With that katsuki licked izuku's ear and the omega couldn't do anything but to shudder and whimper.katsukiwas about to tease more but

Knock, knock
And there was a knock on there the door and izuku could swear that he just jumped out of his skin though katsuki was no different. He also become statue and the situation was laughable despite their position.

"Bakubro are you and midobro ready" The voice too familiar that got katsuki annoyed cuz shitty hair aka kirishima just ruined their fun time. Although they weren't official yet but both knew that they had feelings for each other. "Yeah yeah coming, oi deku let's go and don't forget to bring your clothes" "Ok kacchan". If you are getting confused so let me do the honors, they are going to a pond where they can bath, swim, enjoy together and also have eye candy.

'Ok today I will be able to see what's beneath that goddamn shirt of his' and with that the dekusquad and bakusquad went to the pond to have a fresh morning bath or a teasing morning bath.

"Cannonball" Two splash "yupiee"  Three Another splash "drop the bomb" And another splash. The bakusquad was the first to rip their clothes off and jump from a low cliff beside the water. "Yeah" Two splashes and four silent splashes "wohoo" And another splash. Dekusquad too ripped their clothes and joined the fun except to people whose name was their literal squad name.

Katsuki was taking his clothes of and catch izuku red handed starring at him. "Like what you see huh deku" Izuku was about to see yes but didn't. Then izuku started to take his clothes off, katsuki was no better. "Like what you see huh kacchan" And katsuki had to rip his eyes of that omega cuz he was already semi hard.

They both went to cliff and as katsuki was about to jump he smelled a faint scent of distress from izuku. He turned and saw izuku looking below with wobbling lips. He knew the reason of his distress so to calm down the omega he started to release his pheromones not much but enough to calm down the omega.

"Hey if you don't want to jump then don't we can go home and have bath" "No actually I want to get rid of this fear but I don't know how? Because last time we both separated after our..." Izuku trailed off and Katsuki understood "do you trust me ? " Izuku nodded for the question " Then close your eyes and climb on my back. And trust this we won't be separate and this time we will enjoy" "Ok kacchan" Izuku said and did what katsuki said. After izuku climbing up and katsuki holding his 'soft, damn so so soft, that I can actually fall asleep on them' thighs that katsuki thought right now. They jumped, izuku squeaked and squeezed around katsuki. And God katsuki was damn red as tomato as he can feel izuku's dick right at his ass.'damn that sexy green omega, turning me on without knowing'. With that they hitted the water. Drowned and came up.

"Hey deku-oh holy shit" Katsuki might have little malfunctioned as izuku was looking so gadamn fucking gorgeous and hot. His hair sticking to his forehead and slightly came down, face beautiful as ever and more pretty now cuz water was dripping, freckles littered over his shoulders,he was glowing as smooth rays of sun kissed his skin,and for fuck sake water was making this so sensual and him a literal definition of sex appeal.
'Fuck. Him. Right. Now. You. Fucking
Fucker. ' 'At this point yeah let's do it' as katsuki was full on hard.

Izuku was no better as he saw katsuki shirtless but it was everyday but right now is katsuki is front of him teasing him with his abs and biceps and damn wet. His spikes softened a little cuz of water. Water falling and dripping was already making izuku more wet in many ways.
'This was a bad idea, at this rate he will kill me' 'then we can die happy after knowing we saw him like this' 'oh shut up u pervet'.

"Oi you two are you gonna join the fun or  you gonna eat each other down with just eyes" Said mina and both of them blushed. They joined their friends, took a bath, came out, changed. Then they went to show dekusquad around the village. The infirmary, practice grounds, common area, patrolling area, wells etc etc. And when the time came to say bye, they said and everyone went to the guest house and their houses.

"Thanks kacchan i really enjoyed today" " Not a big deal need" " Yeah for me it is because I got to spend time with you and it made me happy" Izuku turned and looked towards katsuki with a smile Radiating peace and genuine happiness. And for katsuki couldn't help but to have his own little but genuine smile pulled over his lips "yeah me too" And then something magical happen when they looked eyes. A spell that made them lost and trapped in each other's eyes. The feeling which were buried bursted out and they both knew which spell it was. It was love. And none of them were bothered about it. As the flower of their love was blooming.
Hey guys I hope u like this chapter and don't forget to vote if you love this.

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