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Well the aftermath was a pain in ass because it was chaos,the whole small village was destroyed. there were dead bodies everywhere and the whole land was soaked in blood. Limbs of people were scattered all on the bloody red ground,squishy yet disgusting goo.everyone was injured. small scratches here and there,black eyes,swollen head or cheek,claw marks,busted lips,twisted or broken limbs,deep wounds etc etc. everyone was devastated and extremely sad and upset by seeing the small village like this. and what was their fault, why did the god hate them this much to do this to them and their village and their families , i mean many people also lost their loved ones in the horrifying battle, children lost their parent,wives become widow,or in few cases few unlucky parents lost their child.the battle brought nothing but gloom,darkness and doom of the village. so much for a party.

In the the middle of all this a raging blonde alpha was walking or more like doing a angry walk towards the infirmary. who he was angry at, well it was a green omega who had the nerve , the guts to disobey a direct order from the alpha, although he knew he didn't claim the omega his but still why would you risk your life like that. didn't the omega bunny know how much the blonde alpha wolf care about him, how much precious he is?. the blonde reached the infirmary and at first he saw was best jeanist, laying on the bed . "how he is?" the alpha asked and to his response he got" he is safe, there weren't any life threatening wounds , only few big claw marks on legs and arms and on the back which i sewed up" mina said with a sad tone,"we couldn't celebrate his birthday because of them and they also destroyed our village" and then her voice raised up in anger. "don't worry i took care of each and every shitty bastard that attacked us and if more comes then i will take care of them too" he said and then he heard a slight ouch from corner of the room and distressed omegan  pheromones and then he remembered why he came here. he walked towards the omega and then held his shoulder a bit tighter and applied a bit pressure.

"ouch kacchan that hurts" the omega cried but the alpha did not say anything and pressured the wound a bit more"AHH KACCHAN THAT HURTS, STOP IT YOU CRAZY ALPHA" then the blonde snapped and said while his distressed and anger pheromones were releasing uncontrollably" IF I AM CRAZY THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE LOST YOU MIND "" AND WHY IS THAT CAN YOU PLEASE ELABORATE IT TO ME"" WELL WHY DID YOU RUN INTO THE BATTLE FIELD WHEN I SAID YOU TO TAKE SHELTER""WELL I AM SORRY IF I HAPPEN TO WORRY ABOUT YOU AND TRIED TO HELP YOU""WELL I NEVER ASKED YOU TO WORRY OR HELP ME BECAUSE I KNOW AND WE ALL KNOW THAT I WAS GOING TO WIN"" OH YEAH MR. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT ME, YOU WOULD BE LAYING ON THE GROUND IF I HAD NOT TAKEN THE ATTACK THAT WAS COMING FROM A FREAKING SWORD FROM BEHIND THAT WAS STRAIGHT AIMED FOR...for your heart, kacchan you-you would be*hic* be dead by now kacchan and my heart won't be able to take that" by this point izuku was sobbing,crying,whimpering and trembling because of the thought of his childhood reunited crush laying dead in his own blood pool and cuz of the pheromones the alpha was releasing.the alpha took a notice of it and stopped his scent and started releasing calming scent which took a immediate effect on the omega as the bunny visibly calmed down .

Katsuki then got closer to the omega and hugged the sobbing omega, that action surprised everyone in room  cuz they never saw the brash blonde dominant alpha to be this gentle with someone, well what can we say that's the power izuku midoriya a dominant omega bunny holds without a damn clue about it. "i am sorry izuku,i did not meant to yell at you like that but i got so afraid when i saw you getting stabbed, it immediately sent me into feral form" "okay kacchan and i am also sorry for raising my voice like that and not listening to you, i know you got worried but i was also afraid to lose you right after i got you back" " yeah i get it but promise me this this that from next time when i say run away and do not engage in the fight you will obey me" " nope i want to be by your side all the time and  and i will be also there when kacchan needs help" "so little bunny wants to be by my side and help me huh" "yes kacchan " " i sure need your help deku" katsuki said while licking izuku's ear and izuku shuddered at the touch. "umm what kind of help kacchan" izuku said while recovering from previous action of the blonde and blushing too "well.." katsuki said getting close to izuku's face that their noses were touching and one move and they will kiss. izuku was visibly nervous and red like tomato and the crimson eyes staring right into his soul were not helping "well i got many wounds so clean me and patch me up" katsuki said while moving back and grabbing the bandages and medicines and all this happened right in front of everyone in the infirmary. all too shocked looking at katsuki and the blonde took a notice of it and yelled at them to mind their own business. everyone scrambled away and blonde alpha came back to omega who is going to take care of him and who is currently a blushing mess because how can someone still look hot while being wounded and bruised. well for him the answer was no one but katsuki bakugou himself (well for us bakusimps too). 

He started to patch katsuki up and putted bandage and applied medicine and sewed few wounds up. "hey kacchan" "hmm" "what are we gonna do now our house is burned up and we got few to no clothes left and where are we going to sleep , what about food and people and the loved ones they lost, are gonna move away from here or rebuilt everything that we lost and-" "deku shut the fuck up before i make you shut up, shitty nerd mumbling like always and for your last question we are going to move away, now sleep and let me sleep to." although katsuki will not admit that he was confused and tried and found the omega's mumbling was cute " oh ok kacchan good night" " good night nerd" and with that the both childhood friends slept on the bed of infirmary,while katsuki holding izuku close to his chest and izuku falling asleep by the blonde's calm heartbeat.

The morning came and it was not so peaceful day for the villagers. the squads to woke up and went to infirmary to see best jeanist awake and the two boys just starting to wake up.  they would have made fun of the two cuz how they were tangled by each other's hands and legs but they got many so many other things to care of. "morning bakubro and midobro" "hmm" "morning kirishima kun"they two woke up and came outside. well the scene didn't change much only the flies and the stench of dead bodies was more noticeable. they decided to burn the bodies up. "everyone listen up we are going to leave this place and find a new so pack only necessary things,food items,water and left clothes and meet here in one hour" blonde said with a loud voice and everyone obeyed it "deku let's go to our house and pack things up" izuku nodded and went . when they reached their home it was burned up, both were sad but still they went in and packed things up which were left. they looked once more towards the house and came back to council hall. "we shall burn the dead bodies and wish they would reach heaven" jeanist said and everyone took a last glance before burning up their loved ones with respect and the rouges, they were left to rot in hell. 

when everyone was at the boundary of the village, they all turned back and looked the village which now a graveyard of their fallen friends and family members. they were sad but they knew they have to move,looking back and everyone started to move forward with jeanist leading them.but katsuki stayed their and so did izuku and then katsuki  said three words and then walked away with izuku by his side "goodbye dear home"


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spade queen kazumi


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