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Owl was hooting, crickets were making their noise and moon was full and lighting up the midnight sky with his star friends along with him. Quite peaceful, real quiet that someone can hear your breath or heartbeat. All so still that you could say that it was a beautiful painting.
But the all of a sudden bushes rustled and 8 people came out. Their eyes we're glowing in dark. Some were neutral, some were worried and upset and some were angry and all this was because they lost someone precious to them.

"I think we should camp here" Said a blonde alpha with blue eyes and ears all up in caution. "Yeah I think so we should rest and we can find him tomorrow" Said his mate, a omega with indigo hair and eyes , he is a shy creature but don't underestimate him, he can be a real fighter. "Well you all rest I will go ahead" Said a alpha with Heterochromic eyes and hair. "Sho" Said a his omega mate with black hair and eyes,with worried tone " i think we all should rest a bit then go and find him we-" "No they took him away, from right under our noses.i should have protected him" " Sho don't-" "WHAT KIND OF FRIEND I AM IF I COULDN'T SAVE HIM" Well his mate had enough " SHOTO TODOROKI IF YOU DON'T STOP BLAMING YOURSELF AND SIT DOWN, I WILL PERSONALLY HIT YOU ON YOUR NECK TO MAKE YOU SLEEP" and todoroki couldn't do anything but listen to his mate, yaomomo. "Todoroki-san I know you are angry, hell we all are but don't you think izu-kun would be upset if he saw you all tried like this" A omega said with brown hair and eyes with pink cheeks. "Todoroki don't worry we will find him" Reassured a alpha with blue hair and eyes who is the mate of brunette."he will be fine, he is very strong don't forget he is dominant one" Snorted a green haired beta. " Yeah I have full faith in midoriya between I collected the fire wood" Said her beta mate with black hair. Finally todoroki calm down and sighed. Rest of the night went well with a wandering dekusquad(or in this story midosquad).

On the other side of river and in morning time

Morning came and sun peeped through the windows of katsuki's house. There on the bed was a sleeping green bunny and a blonde wolf, both sleeping in comfort of each other's arms. Sun came slightly and woke up the bunny. Izuku stirred up and first thing he saw was the blonde himself, peacefully sleeping.

'Kacchan looks peaceful when sleeping' then he saw a bit a drool coming from the side a the alpha's mouth 'cute'. He then also realized that the blonde was only sleeping in his underwear and blankets were about to fell of the bed, so yeah izuku blushed cause he can perfectly see the perfect body.
'Kacchan looks really handsome' he then slightly started to touch the blonde's hair. 'Wow it is so soft despite how it looks' then he started to trace his fingers to his jawline to his chest and abs. 'Holy shit, kacchan is amazing, I mean look at his abs and biceps so strong and his jawline is so sharp that it can cut and his v-line is-' his thoughts came to a stop when the alpha started to move but going back to sleep, izuku could swear his soul just left his body.

'I should probably wake him up' izuku said to himself and started to stir katsuki up. "Kacchan wake up or we will be late for the meeting. Wake up kacchan, wake up" Katsuki made a annoyed face and wrapped his arms around izuku's waist and leaned in his chest "just few more minutes deku" Izuku giggled at the childish behavior of a dominant alpha but he also felt katsuki's arms tighten 'God his giggles are so cute, music to my ear and i can get used to these kinds of morning, yeah I won't let him go away ever again' katsuki thought. "Well you have to wake up or mina gonna be angry" "Ugh fine I am getting up" Katsuki said from sitting up and standing and going to the washroom but he heard izuku giggle and he swear his heart stopped for a moment.

After getting ready, these two went to meet bakusquad at the common place to eat their breakfast. Today was one of those days when katsuki would get a day off from patrolling and he would eat a breakfast with his squad. Though today he wanted to spend time with izuku, 'why the hell I agreed to this shit,I want to spend time with deku alone' he thought.

They reached the place and met with the squad, greetings were exchanged and all that stuff. They all took their seat and mina started to serve" Guys I made this special dish for you. Eat and tell how it is" They all looked at it and it was good looking, smelled nice and when they took at bite of it. It was really good. Izuku ate his one so fast that it was like he didn't ate anything like this. He went to pot to serve himself another bowl, he bent down and

Katsuki got a nice view of his plump ass with bunny tail straight up. It sometimes wiggled as izuku moved from here to there.

'Let's fuck him' said his alpha
'No you dumbass, not now'said katsuki
'Oh come on he is free real estate, we have to make him ours before someone else takes him away'
'Shut the fuck up, I said not now. He will be ours and ours alone and if anyone dares to take him away. We both know it won't end real nice for them'
'Ugh fuck fine but I will come out if you won't take initiative to it'
'You won't need and let's stop this and enjoy the nice view'

Now that katsuki was zoned out, like in some sort of trance, it worried kirishima.
"Bakubro you ok" Kirishima asked with a hint a Worriness in his tone. "Tch yeah I am fine shitty hair. " But was he really cuz  jirou being a real good listener can hear faintly his his heart beating so fast that it will exploded. But she didn't say anything and continued to enjoy the show.

Izuku was about to sit down back with his bowl full of the special dish and some fruits but a extra came and shouted "intruders in the boundaries of the river" All of them looked at each other and stood up

"Lead the way shitty extra" The alpha said in such a dominant voice the izuku couldn't help but to shudder. They ran to the river, extra said that he saw them here only. They waited for few minutes and some unfamiliar smell reached their noses though it was familiar to izuku, they took their battle stances and ready to fight whatever came out the bushes.
Then suddenly a brunette came out, and as soon as izuku recognized the brunette he ran to her "uraraka-san" "Izuku-kun"And fell right into her arms. After that the rest of the squad also came out and hugged their missing pack member.

" Don't you ever dare to get captured like that" "We were so worried about you, you okay right" And all that. Izuku was in tears and said he was happy to see them all again and he was okay. "What the hell is happening" Said a blonde destroying the reunion and why not hell they were confused. After hearing this todoroki and other alphas of the dekusquad came forward, pushed the omega behind and got into battle stance Releasing threating pheromones and snarls.

Katsuki was enraged, someone coming into his territory, touching his omega and challenging him. He was not gonna let that happen. So he also started to release angry pheromones and a literal growl.

Well if izuku hadn't stepped in and stopped the all out was between his squad and bakusquad. The river would have been red again. "Kacchan it's ok they are my squad and you guys stop it they saved me not kidnapped me" Both of them went back to normal.

"Ok izuku tell me who are they? " Todoroki asked " Well you see they are bakusquad and this blonde dominant alpha you see here is katsuki bakugou, my childhood friend kacchan and he is the leader of this pack. His village people saved me from dieing and this is their territory and ohh kacchan this is my pack and the leader is mirio-san he is also a dominant alpha" Izuku said giving introduction to everyone and the tension calmed down.

"Kacchan can we take them to the village please" Katsuki was about to say no but after seeing the big emerald eyes pleading him made him say yes cause izuku had his heartstrings around his fingers. "Yes! Thank you kacchan, I love you, muhahh, let's go guys" Izuku kissed katsuki on cheek, but far to overjoyed to see his pack took over him to realize what he done and went to the village, leaving katsuki all stunned and speechless. And his pack was giggling now and some Mufflning their voices.

Katsuki regained his composure and shouted at his pack to shut up. But one thing was on his mind 'he kissed me'

Hey guys I hope you liked the chapter. Plz vote and follow me for updates and stories on bakudeku Or dekubaku
Bye, love

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