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Um hey, in last story I said cake for party right and takoyaki too.. So that was for this story, totally made up cuz I don't know what people did to celebrate in the past so yeah cake for party
Enjoy the chapter.

🥛💜 milk is good....................................

Best jeanist ,the birthday man was returning to his small clan and go to his home and rest for the rest of full moon. So yeah he does not know what is happening in his clan cuz he does not remember his own birthday. To get him out of his thoughts there was a sudden movement in the bushes. He turns around to look who is there but sees no one. He then just shrugs it of as a little animal in dark. And oh was he right cuz that animal or should I say full moon rouge alpha wolves were anything but little and anything but gentle.

Let's go back to the clan or more specifically into the mind a green dominant omega bunny who was sitting with a blue hair alpha who is the mate of the omega who he just escaped, ilda.

'Is it that obvious that i have a crush on my lost and reunited childhood friend'
Well duh if everyone is saying then you are really bad at hiding but why we should when we can go and confess our feelings to him
'Cuz it's not that easy and we even don't know if he is interested in boys. It will be so awkward'
I know he is interested in boys my guts are telling me so. What are your's telling to you
'We both have same guts'
Right sorry my bad so what the plan
'Why the plan'
You need to confess our feelings to him
'You sure about it that we need to confess our love to him'
Yes cuz I can't live like this anymore, I need a damn alpha and he is fucking perfect and our heat is near too.
'You curse way too much and yeah he is perfect hm hmm hmmm'

"Ugh" He shakes and rubs his head and hair frantically and ilda looks at him with a tilted head. "Your omega annoying about confessing to bakugou-san" Blue haired alpha says and izuku looks at him shocked like how did he know about it and as ilda studied the look on his and said" Midoriya you were mumbling again and that's how I know" "Ohh sorry" Both izuku and his omega blushed. "And i don't know about bakugou that much but by your sayings I think he will take a good care of you" "Oh so u think kacchan will accept me " " Hmm not sure but yeah I think too" " Ohk thanks " "Don't mention it" Then those chatted about other things until the time came for the birthday man to return.

The table was set, cake was there, his favorite dish was there, decorations done, his favorite flowers done, bonfire also done, dinner was done and on the tables, drinks also there checked and so was katsudon for our green bean, all the clan members were here and the only one missing was the birthday man himself who will be here any minute now. Everyone was waiting for him and when someone saw a silhouette of him they shouted"he is here guys" And run towards him but stopped when they saw how bloody the birthday man was "HELP BEST JEANIST HE IS INJURED" and everyone came around him.

Katsuki took a hold of him and asked what happened which got a response a howl and he understood that it was rouges and they were under attack "EVERYONE PICK UP YOUR WEAPONS AND MINA AND  MOMO TAKE BEST JEANIST TO THE INFIRMARY" Katsuki yelled while giving orders to everyone and giving jeanist to the ladies. When everyone pick up the weapons they heard a growl, a roar, a howl coming from forest and that's when their hearts started to race and sweat came down from their foreheads.

Then they saw glowing eyes, fur, teeths full on display and shining in the moonlight. Sudden realization hit katsuki and everyone that on full moon the rouges who have no control over their alpha will turn into their animal forms and oh god were they large. "OMEGAS AND PUPS GO BACK TO COUNCIL HALL AND HIDE IN THE UNDER GROUND ROOM. " He gave order and everyone obeyed except one omega. "Kacchan i will be here with you and fight along" Katsuki was already in pressure and he couldn't see izuku getting hurt although he knew the capability of the omega he told him to go away and when izuku did not listen to him, he had no choice but to use his alpha voice. "OMEGA OBEY ME AND GO TO THE SHELTER WITH OTHERS" Izuku couldn't do anything but obey. He he felt hurt and awful that made his stomach twist.

Soon the fight begin and the ground was already turning red. The rouges were extra powerful tonight cuz they let their alphas to take over and a rouge plus full out alpha plus full moon was a dangerous combination. They were being rough and the attacks were brutal. Many of the clan members were badly injured and some already lost their hands or legs. Some got real big wounds on their bodies that will likely take a lot of time to heel. Katsuki and his packs and  dekusquad alpha's situation was not good either. Their clothes ripped, blood coming out of the wounds and scratches, busted lips Or black eye, knuckles red with blood and were having a hard time to defeat the rouges. They were turning into their half form and shifting to their full form and then again shifting to human form or half form. Katsuki himself was not good,having to fight whole two large wolves was really difficult with a twisted ankle and broken shoulder.The battle was brutal and horrifying.

Izuku was sitting there, inside with the other omegas and children. Even if he was underground he could listen the battle cries and screams I mean duh he is a bunny and that to a dominant omega, he could listen upto miles. The guilt was eating him away so he did one thing that the blonde alpha told him and that was not to come and engage in the fight. He run up even though momo and mina and other omegas were calling out for him to stop. Denki ran with him cuz he was himself was so afraid for his mate that he couldn't take it anymore.

Their eyes widened when they came up and look around them. Their houses burning, the decorations were ripped,torn and soaked in red color, screams of the alphas,all spicy pheromones in air, their crops also burned down to ashes and reduced to atoms.Blood was one thing shining out on the battleground. It was devastating and really sad to look. Once a flower field in nothing but ashes. "Ahhh mumma" They heard a cry and looked for it's source, a child in a burning hut. Both omegas ran and by the grace of lady luck they came out without any injuries.

"Kaminari-kun you take the child and go back to shelter, child's mother must be pretty-" And that's when they saw the dead body of the mother of the child "take the child back to shelter with you" "But midoriya i-" "JUST GO" Denki flinched at the raise of voice but soon understood why and went back. 'I have find kacchan, where are you?! ' and as soon as he said that his eyes layed on the blonde spiky hair which he could recognize from anywhere. He then also noticed the two alphas he was fighting and the half form alpha that was slowly coming from behind with a sword in hand. Well after seeing that our hero's body moved on it's own.

Katsuki was so busy fighting the two alpha in front of him that he did not notice the alpha behind him and just when he noticed he got stabbed in the collar bone above the left pec Or so he thought but instead of him it was the green omega who came in between the sword and him. Izuku was falling down but never hit the ground cuz alpha took a hold of him.

Katsuki was now beyond anger. He was so burning up from anger that there were white dots appearing in corner of his eyes and he thought he would pass out. He wanted to kill each and every last one of the rouges. He couldn't control his alpha and he didn't wanted so he went feral. Moon was still high when he screamed and howl that was ear piercing. He turned into his wolf form and killed each and every rouge out there. While he was fighting uraraka came out and took izuku back to momo and mina to patch him up.

The battle ended with a one beast standing with a head below his paw. Katsuki turned back to his human form and oh Lord he was drenched in blood and in half feral state which he was coming down very slowly cuz his alpha recognize that they killed every last of them. But the state he was in told everyone to stay away and that night everyone witnessed the rage of a feral dominant alpha, the crimson beast.
..................................... X...................................

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Spade queen kazumi


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