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Well the walk to the meeting place was quite awkward. As the male taking them was was quite and katsuki and izuku didn't know what was going to happen? After few minutes they reached a big tent. They walked inside and they were quite surprised to see all the elders of the village to be presented here.

"Izuku midoriya, plz sit down on the chair in centre" Best jeanist said with his hands motioning towards the chair in centre of the rounded table. The green haired bunny did what he was asked for. He then saw katsuki walking and sitting next to the head.

"We will straight get to the point, we wanted to know about how you ended up here and from which pack are you from? " Jeanist asked. Midoriya by this time was sweating bullets. His mind was going to overheat and his anxiety was starting to surface. He also was releasing distrees pheromones. Katsuki took a notice of it and started to release his alpha pheromones to calm down the omega. "It's ok deku, I am here trust me" The alpha said in such a soothing voice, it had a immediate effect on the omega. It also shocked the others, to hear katsuki bakugou a hot headed alpha to have such a soothing voice. "Oi and you all, you are not gonna push deku and ask him which would make him uncomfortable" Everyone now knew that the protective mode of the alpha was on so they just agreed and nodded.
" Midoriya take your time and then answer our question, we won't push you and you can stop if you are uncomfortable. Just wanting to help you" Jeanist said again. Izuku sighed and said" Ok i will let you, I am from the mighty pack from the West side of the river and how did I ended up like this? Let me take you back to a week before from today" Izuku said and.....
'It is a peaceful day' izuku thought when he woke up and did his chorus and is going to the river shore to do his patrol. When he reached his post, he took a minute to admire the beauty of his surroundings.
Big tree,cool breeze and water slightly hitting his toes, the sound of bugs or cicadas. Everything was peaceful. He remembered the time with katsuki 'kacchan where are you, I miss you so much' izuku thought with a sad face. He then stood up and started to walk away, just then he heard the bushes rustling. He turned to see who was there but there was no one 'must be breeze he thought and went back to his pack. Well he should have heard better cuz now something terrible is going to happen.
He went into the main tent give his report and got back to common sitting area where his friends we're chatting. He went there and said hello to everyone. "How did the patrol went" Asked a hot alpha with Heterochormia eyes . SHOTO TODOROKI. "It went well, but heard a bit rustling, though it was just wind" "You should have re checked" Said a blue haired alpha TENYA LDA. " Don't make him so sweat tenya" Said his mate URARAKA OCHAKO. "But lda kun is correct" A green haired girl ASUI TSUYU said. "We will never know when the rouges will attack" Her mate TOKOYAMI FUMIKAGE said. "Oh come on guys there haven't been any attacks from last 1/2 year, so they won't atta-" That's when a extra comes and yells " The rouges are attacking at the river side" And everyone looks at izuku. “ what?! ” he exclaimed and looked offended when he saw everyone looking at him like he attacked the pack. " How ironic but let's go and help the others" MIRIO TOGOTA said. They all nodded and ran to help all might and pack members.

When they reached the river, they were horrified at the sight before him. Many of their packs members were killed and some were highly injured, all might still fighting. "Take the wounded to recovery girl and yaomomo" All might shouted when he saw the young warriors. Ochako, tsu, tokoyami and tamaki did what they were told to do and other 4 started to fight.
The battle was brutal, many on the both sides were killed and injured. Izuku was fighting an extra when all might was about get stabbed by the same person who killed his dad and destroyed village, tomura shigaraki, got into his line of sight. His body moved itself as he could not let the history to repeat and lose his father(foster parent).
He pushed shigaraki and stood in between those two.shigaraki cursed and asked who the hell was it."You are not killing anyone that i love and care about, not now not ever" Bunny was angry though his nose was wiggling in a cute manner. "Ahh I remember you were the son of the village ass of a head's shitty advisor that i killed with my own hands and destroyed your pathetic village" Shigaraki said tormenting the bunny. Izuku was more then furious he was burning up from anger so he attacked the shit of alpha.

He went from front and bend down and kicked shigaraki's legs before the alpha could load what was happening and lost his balance and fell down. Izuku then kicked in his stomach and climbed on him, started to choke him“DON'T YOU DARE TO SAY THOSE THINGS ABOUT MY VILLAGE YOU SHITTY ASS OF FUCKING LOSER ALPHA" he then started to choke even harder. Just before he could kill shigaraki, he got hit from the behind of the on his head and started to lose conscious. Last he heard was his friends yelling his name and then blackout.

When izuku woke up, he found himself in some kind of cell. He tried to stand up but only to get stopped by his chains. Then suddenly a voice came up to him and spoke " Aww so the omega is awake now, he can i taste your blood. Just a little bit" He cringed and said no. "So omega tell me about the village you live in and the weakness of this all might" Said shigaraki. Izuku scoffed and said" Why should I tell you, fucker?! " " You are one feisty omega I would really love to see you breaking down and begging for mercy" “as if I will ever beg ” " Yeah let's see if you can keep that attitude after this" Shigaraki said by bringing up a whip and telling his comrades to strip izuku's shirt.
»Time skip«
After 30 minutes of whipping, screaming,cutting and burning,they gave izuku a break and asked him the same question again and izuku of course said no. By that time shigaraki had enough so he said to all his comrades to leave him alone with the bunny.
"You know, despite of your attitude you are quite a beautiful creature by yourself" Izuku understood where this was going tried to escape from the strong grip though he couldn't cuz he was exhausted and didn't have much stamina left after their abuse. "Don't try to escape, it will only make it worse izuku" Izuku spat on the alpha's face and said"you have no right to call me with my first name bastard" The alpha was angry so he started to release his scent and yanked izuku's pants down. Omega tried to escape again but the chains were not helping and the alpha had a good grip on his hips.
Suddenly without warning shigaraki pushed inside him. Izuku was not producing slick not it hurt like bitch. The alpha was slamming brutally into izuku, izuku could not do anything but scream for help. After few minutes the alpha finished(omega can only be pregnant in heat and by knotting) and pulled out of omega.
"I hope you learned your lessons cuz if not then I have no problem punishing you again" Shigaraki spat and walked away. But he did not notice the glass piece izuku had so when he was gone, izuku grabbed bricks from under the bench and broke his chains and then stood up just to fall down. He wanted to cry but he knew had no time so he stood up even if it pained and opened the door with the glass piece.

He looked around, there was no one so he made run for the back door. And how he knew the place so well? Cuz it was his previous village cells. He went to back door opened it and run, just for bunch of good for nothing extra came chasing and that makes us comeback to present scenario.

Katsuki bakugou a already short tempered alpha was fuming after listening to what happened to his childhood friend. 'I SWEAR I AM GONNA KILL THAT FUCKING SHITTY ASS OF SORE LOSER MOTHERFUCKING ALPHA WHEN I SEE HIM! HOW HE DARE TO DO THAT TO DEKU! HOW HE DARE TO-' his thoughts were interrupted by whimpers and quite sobs of izuku. He quickly released his calming pheromones and stood up, walked to izuku and lifted him up. Izuku Nuzzeled into katsuki's neck and calm down a bit. "We are leaving and this should not go out, you all understand" He said with a growl as all nodded and he started to walk towards his house. He was not going to leave izuku ever again, now he became more protective after learning what happened! 
..................................... X..................................
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