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Milk is so good😉.....................................

Everyone was gathered around the bonfire. Having serious face, some looking at fire and others either drinking water or eating fruits. Day before Yesterday a lot of things happened. Like having their friends and subordinates and village people getting injured severely or like finding the traitor. It was a pain to hear or see that. Anyway everything settled down, yuga was forgiven. Yuga also said that from now on he would be loyal to his village and will do anything to protect the people in it.

It was night time, people were getting ready for the final war. They made weapons out of everything or anything they could get from the forest. The bows, arrows, spear and wooden shields, they may not be that effective but will protect them to certain time. The scythes were surprisingly safe and sharp, though they weren't used before and swords were all so good. So the guys used him to send false information to shigaraki.

"So tomorrow is the day huh" The energetic blonde omega said with rather dull tone and Scooted near to his alpha mate who wraped his arm around his waist. "I hope everything goes well" Pinky said" Hey don't worry mina, we are manly and strong guys, and if we are to die then we will die in the most manliest way" Kiri fist bumped in air, and some giggles were heard. "Well we have big day tomorrow let's rest so we can be in our top form" All might said and everyone went back to their shelter. "Where are those two? " Ochako asked and todoroki said "well they took of to somewhere after eating the food".

Meanwhile with the problem children

They were near the same pond as day before yesterday. Izuku sitting in katsuki's lap and katsuki wrapping his arms around izuku's waist, pulling him even more close. " Hey kachan, don't you think we should have nicknames" "Hmm we have, kachan and deku" " Yeah but we don't have any other like other couples" "What do you mean deku? " "I mean that like denki has denks, dunce face, kami and shinsou calls him sweetpie Or rabbit and ilda call ochako as mochi Or honey. So I thought we should also have more then one nickname. " Izuku said while blushing a bit. "Hmm then first you came up with a nickname then I will" "Ok" Izuku started thinking and said" Pupsuki" "Huh! What the fucking heck deku" "Well your are a wolf, so I mixed your name with pup because wolfsuki would be weird. So yeah pupsukiit is, what's your nickname for me huh pupsuki~" Greenett said with a smirk. "Well it is usaku, it means moonlit and I mixed usagi and izuku together between you are my moon in my dark nights, did you like that usaku~" Katsuki hugged izuku  closer and nibbled his ear. He then traveled down it to neck and sucked on the bite mark that made izuku moan and slightly damp down there.

⚠warning smut ahead ⚠

Katsuki then turned izuku to face him. He pulled him into rather hungry kiss though izuku was also hungry for more. Then kiss heated and tongues wondered each other's mouth, savoring everything. Meanwhile izuku was lost in the kiss, katsuki let his hand travel down and beneath izuku's pants and rubbed his fingers around his hole which resulted in slight shudder and light moan and then got his middle finger in. Izuku gasped and his slick was now spreading over his underwear and inner thighs.

"Soooo wet of me usaku~ " "Mmm more plz pupsuki~" "More what, tell me what do you want omega" "Please touch me more alpha" And then katsuki pulled his red robe and putted it on ground, got izuku on it and pulled his pants down, pulling out his finger and thrusting three fingers in and thrusting him hard. Izuku soon came with a loud moan.

Then katsuki pulled down his pants and started jerk a bit and then turned izuku on his stomach and slowly pushed his 10 inches in(dominant alpha) . Izuku cried in pleasure. When katsuki bottomed out, he waited for izuku to give him signal to move. When izuku said ok. Katsuki pulled out and thrusted in hard. "ARRGH KACCHAN SO GOOD" Izuku moaned as katsuki thrusted into him mercilessly, "so tight deku ahhg" Katsuki grunted into omega's neck and started to leave hickeys and bites. Izuku was in cloud nine, with the doggy style he was blissed and katsuki reached deeper.

Katsuki hitted onto izuku's prostate and izuku came quickly. Katsuki was still thrusting, driving izuku to Over senstivity. Katsuki leaned down and turned izuku's head to side to catch his lips into a sloppy kiss. He then leaned down so his chest would be pressed against izuku's back. Katsuki grabbed izuku's dick and started to jerk it with one hand and with other his pinched the omega's nipples. Katsuki's thrust become sloppy and lost it's rhythm indicating he was near while izuku just had his 3rd orgasm for the night. Damn dominant alpha do have a lot stamina.

Izuku was now a mess, tongue out,sweaty and blushing, covered in bites marks and his cum, ass being pounded without any mercy from his alpha "Deku ahh deku gonna cum gonna cum soon, so good mmm for me omega, sooo good" "Alpha, alpha  please feel me up, make me pregnant, give me pups AAHH" Izuku came again and went limp and soon katsuki followed him and came loads inside izuku but without knotting which got izuku to be bit disappointed.

"Alpha why don't you knot me , am I not good" Izuku asked when katsuki pulled him, washed themselves and went back to their tents. "No your are more then enough, but I want to knot you after we get married" Katsuki said, pulling izuku close to his chest. Izuku blushed at the word marriage and yeah sure he would yes in a heart beat if the alpha asked him. "Deku sleep, we have a big day tomorrow" "Kachan we will be ok right because I don't want anyone to die especially you" "Izu don't you believe in your alpha" "That's not it but I am worried" "Don't be, trust me when I say we all be ok. We all will be safe and take our village back, now go back to sleep" "Ok alpha~" "Deku you want to walk tomorrow right so sleep and don't tempt me" "Right good night kacchan love you" Izuku gave small kiss on alpha's jaw and went to sleep.

Nonetheless katsuki himself was worried about tomorrow, but you can't see the future so you shouldn't stress about. It will all be decided by time and fate.

.................................... X....................................

Hey lovelies, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment. And be ready for the final war, let's help them take back their village and defeat the evil. GO BEYOND PLUS ULTRA. So waiting for season 7 and I hope suki to be alive. Writing at 12 o clock in midnight hehe vote Or follow for that.


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