(Let's imagine he didn't meet Calypso)
It's been six months. Six months of tears and loneliness. Six months since Leo, my boyfriend, died to end the war against Gaia.
Also six months since I broke down in the middle of a war zone crying because he sacrificed himself for the rest of the world.But my world wasn't saved that day.
At first I was numb. My siblings and my friends didn't know what to do because all I did was lay in bed and stare at the ceiling. They tried everything to help me and I'm really glad they did. All my friends, especially Piper and Annabeth, really helped distracting me and we had a lot of fun together. Just because of them I came around eventually.
But there was still a last bit of hope inside that he would come back. Because not only weren't Nico or Hazel able to say if he had gone to the underworld or not, Frank and Hazel also told us about Leos plan to use the elixir to come back.
Because of that I got a little bit of my old happiness back into my life and I started to get out of the cabin and trained again.
So here I was tired and exhausted from training. "Good one (y/n). You're getting back in form.", Percy said as he walked next to me out of the arena where we had just practiced sword fighting. "Well it doesn't look like it.", I said laughing " You didn't sweat one bit.". I looked at him and wondered how he managed to still have that much energy. He just chuckled and we continued our way.
Suddenly there was a loud noise from the sky. "What was that?", I asked, drawing my sword, ready to fight any monster that came through the borders of camp. But Percy just smiled warmly at me and said: "I don't think its a monster. Look.". With that he pointed to a spot just above the trees of the forest. At first I couldn't see what he was talking about until there was a big creature lowering itself below the clouds. It was a huge dragon made of metal and there was a boy sitting on its back. Leo was here.
Without thinking twice, I started to run. As soon as I arrived where Leo had landed there was already a big crowd of campers surrounding him. I made my way though until there were only a few meters between us. That's when my body froze and the only thing I could do was to watch him.
He looked exactly like I kept him in my memory for the past few months. His messy curls and warm brown eyes looked just the same like when I found him asleep in bunker 9 all these times. And the grease stains on his shirt matched up perfectly with the crooked smile he had on his face. He stood there casually as if he hadn't just come back from the dead. The only trace of it were the dark bags under his eyes that showed his lack of sleep. But he made up for that with the cheerful grin on his face.
I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even realise that he had seen my too. His smile softened as I looked into his eyes and he stood up straighter than before.
Suddenly I felt some kind of anger boiling inside of me.
How could he leave me for so long? Why didn't he say anything?
With that I marched up towards him and slapped him across the face. He clutched his hand to his cheek and mumbled: "I think I deserved that.". Before he could even finish his sentence my anger had completely washed away and I tackled him into a big hug. As soon as I was in his warm embrace I hid my face in the crook of his neck and started to sob.
Instantly he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me as close to him as possible.Behind me I could hear Percy tell the other campers to give us some space and they apparently did because the sound of their voices became quiet.
But I almost didn't catch all of that because I was so caught up in Leos presence. He continued to hold me close and repeated "I'm so sorry." over and over again.
I don't know how long we stood there but at some point we pulled out of the hug.
"I can't believe you're back.", I whispered and softly touched his cheek with my hand as if I still couldn't believe he was real. I could feel the warmth of his skin underneath my palm. He lightly leaned into my touch and looked deep into my eyes. "I'm here and I won't leave you again. I promise. I can't bare the thought of leaving you again.", he said softly and lightly kissed the tip of my nose.
The next second he leaned closer to my face and our lips met. I immediately kissed back and smiled against his lips which made him do the same.
"I'm sorry what I put you through. I don't know how to make it up to you", he said softly against my lips as we parted again. "You don't have to keep on apologising. I mean, come on Leo, you saved the world. How could I be mad?", I smiled at him. This made him smirk: "I guess no one can resist the bad boy supreme, right?". I rolled my eyes but I couldn't keep the grin off my face and gave him a small peck on his lips.In the distance I could hear a few voices and turned my head towards them. I could see the other heroes of the prophecy standing a little further away. All of them smiled at us and they looked really happy.
I turned towards Leo again and said: "Maybe you should greet them too". He looked at me and took my hand in his: "Only if you go with me.". I smiled happily and embraced his hand more tightly.
Together, with interlocked hands, we walked towards the others.

Leo Valdez x reader oneshots
FanfictionJust a bunch of Leo Valdez x reader one shots I hope you'll like them!