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I paced back and forth in our apartment nervously. Leo and a few other boys wanted to go out drinking and he said they were going to be back at 1am at the latest. It was already an hour later.
I didn't want to seem controlling but I had every right to be worried. Because the last time they went out, it was a complete disaster.

But I was torn out of my thoughts when I heard the ring of the doorbell. Instantly I rushed across the living room to the front door and opened it. Behind, there was a exhausting looking Frank who was stabilising a very drunken Leo.
"Hey", he said and smiled softly, trying not to let my boyfriend fall down. "Hi, Frank.", I said "Thanks for bringing him back.".
"It's fine. I already brought Jason home, he wasn't that drunk. Now I just hope Percy won't do anything stupid until he's back with Annabeth.", he replied and pointed to his car in which I could hear Percy loudly singing along to a song I couldn't make out.
"Oh gods", I laughed "I don't even want to know what he did.". "No, you don't", Frank laughed as he handed Leo over to me. "Thanks again!", I said and closed the door.

"Hey pretty lady.", Leo grinned at me as I wrapped my arm around his waist to keep him in a standing position. "Whoa! What are you doing?! I have a girlfriend!", he yelled out drunkenly and tried to get away from me but he stumbled to the ground as soon as he was out of my grip. I laughed and watched how he was laying on the floor without moving.
"Come on, Leo. Let's get you to bed.", I said and tried to pull him back up. "Nooo", he whined and refused to stand up.

Then an idea popped up in my mind. "If you don't get up, I'll tell your girlfriend!", I said and crossed my arms in front of my chest. Leo looked at me shocked and stood up immediately. "Okay, okay, I'm up.", he exclaimed but was close to falling down again as soon as he was standing. Somehow I got him to stand rather safely and started to slowly walk towards our bedroom with him.
The whole time Leo mumbled nonsense and was close to falling asleep.
'He's going to be extremely hungover tomorrow.', I thought to myself and rolled my eyes.

As soon as we walked into the bedroom, I let Leo drop on the sheets and walked over to his side of the bed. I lifted his blanket up for him to crawl under and looked back at him. I laughed at how he was sprawled out on my side of the bed, looking as if he was already asleep. Quietly, I stepped back over to the other side of the bed again and kneeled down next to his head. "Leo?", I asked quietly and he opened his eyes a little bit.
I knew that it didn't make any sense to ask him to change his clothes so I stood up again. But as I wanted to step away from the bed, I felt his hand lightly pulling on my shirt. I turned back around and waited for him to say something.
"Tell (y/n) I love her?", he whispered weakly. I chuckled about his adorably drunken self and gently kissed his forehead. "I will.", I promised. This made him smile before he turned around to his side and fell right back to sleep.
After, I went straight to the bathroom and got ready for bed myself. I turned off the lights and fell asleep as soon as I laid down on Leos side of the bed.

The next morning I was awoken by Leo groaning next to me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my boyfriend laying on his back with one hand on his forehead. I laughed quietly which made him turn his head towards me.
"How are you feeling?", I asked and turned to my side to face him. "As if I was hit by a truck.", he whined with a raspy voice "What the heck happened?". "You were very drunk.", I laughed and stood up to bring him a square of ambrosia for his hangover.
"Thanks.", he smiled at me as I handed it to him. I could see the relief on his face when he took a bite.
Leo scooted over a bit to make some space for me and I sat down next to him.
"Was it bad?", he asked after a few moments of silence and turned his head to look at me.
"No, it was okay. You're totally adorable when you're drunk.", I laughed and watched as his face scrunched up: "Oh gods, what did I do?".
"Well, you told me to not touch you because you had a girlfriend.", I laughed and gently poked his chest. Leo just grinned, laid an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. "I guess it doesn't matter how drunk I am, I'll always remember that I love you.", he whispered and softly kissed my cheek as I blushed.
"I love you too. No matter how drunk you are."

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