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I blinked when the first rays of sunlight hit my face. As I slowly woke up and started to fully feel my body again I realised how tangled Leo and I had been sleeping.
Our bodies were facing each other and our arms were each wrapped around the others body. Even our legs were intertwined and we were as close to each other as we could possibly be.

Carefully not the wake him, I turned my head a little upwards and looked at his face. He was still fast asleep. His curls were spread across the whole pillow and he was lightly snoring which made me giggle quietly.
I kept on watching him sleep until I decided to get up and make us breakfast. But it wasn't as easy to get up as I thought. He had grabbed my waist in a very strong hold and it was difficult to get it off.

When i was finally about to make it a pair of arms wrapped around my waist again and pulled me back down.
"Stay", he mumbled with a raspy voice that sent shivers down my spine. I turned around to face him again and saw that his eyes were half way open.
I sighed, softly kissed his cheek and cuddled back into his chest. Leo happily smiled and held me close again.

"But we should get up sometime, you know?", I whispered against his chest. He just whined in response and hid his face in my hair. "Come on, Leo. We wanted meet up with Percy and Annabeth later.", I went on but he stayed stubborn and pulled me impossibly closer to him.

Then I got an idea. I slowly put a bit of distance between us which made him frown. But before he could protest I started to kiss him.
At first he was taken aback but he eventually melted into the kiss. He moved his hands away from my hips and to my cheeks and pulled my face closer to his.

The kiss became more heated than I thought it would get. That's why it was difficult for me to pull back but apparently it was the only way to escape Leos cuddle attacks. After I did so he looked at me shocked while I smirked at him and slowly walked backwards, raising my hands in surrender. When I turned around I heard him mutter: "No fair", and he flopped back onto the bed.

I walked to our kitchen and started to make breakfast. After a few minutes I felt arms wrapping around me from behind and a head resting on my shoulder.

"That was mean.", he mumbled into my ear. I turned around in his arms and put my hands around his neck. I smirked and quickly pecked his lips.
"I made pancakes.", I said cheerfully and immediately got the reaction I expected: his eyes lit up and a grin made its way to his face.
"You know I love you, right?", he said softly against my lips. I smiled and replied: "I love you too, wierdo."

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