Silent treatment

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"Just leave me alone! Stop being so annoying!"

I kept repeating his words in my mind.
The only thing I wanted him to do was finally sleep. He had been working a lot lately and almost didn't sleep. Because of that he became very annoyed yesterday night when I repeatedly told him to go to bed.

Now it was the next morning and I was still pissed. Since this wasn't the first time he had snapped at me I decided to give him the silent treatment. I know this wasn't very mature but I couldn't think of anything else to do.

I sighed and sat down next to my siblings at the (g/p) table. "You okay?", (s/n) asked with their mouth full of food. I looked at them amused and they quickly swallowed. "Sorry", (s/n) said laughing and waited for me to answer. When I kept looking down at my food, they looked at me knowingly. "It's about Leo isn't it?", they asked: "What did he do?". I shrugged my shoulders and kept on turning my spoon in my bowl of cereals. "Oh, I'm gonna kill him.", (s/n) muttered. It was cute how protective they were over me but I quickly said: "No! I'll deal with him myself". "Are you sure?", they asked unsure and I nodded. (s/n) grumbled but continued eating his breakfast.

In that moment I saw Leo sitting down at the hephaestus table. I was surprised that he even came to breakfast.
He immediately looked to my table like he always did in the morning and our eyes locked. He smiled softly and waved at me but I just looked back down. I could basically feel his worried eyes watching me.

The way I knew him, he had already forgotten about yesterday or he didn't think I cared that much.

As soon as I was finished eating I stood up. Leo did the same. Apparently he thought we would do something together because he casually walked in my direction. "(y/n)-", but I just walked past him and back to my cabin.
"Hey! Where are you-", I heard him ask confused but his voice was drawn out by the taking of the other campers.

When I stepped onto the front poach of the (g/p) cabin I heard his footsteps following me but I was still able to close the door before he could reach it.
As soon as I had stepped inside, Leo knocked on the door repeatedly, saying:"Hey! (y/n)?! What happened?".
I leaned against the door and took a deep breath. What was I supposed to do now? I would definitely give in immediately when I'd look into his eyes and I was sure about that.
I sighed heavily and pushed myself back into a standing position. Walking over to my bed I could still hear Leos knocking.

Suddenly the sound stopped and I looked up confused. It was silent for a moment until a series of clicking noises came from outside the door. A second later the door cracked open and behind it there was Leo who let a screwdriver disappear into his tool belt.
How could I forget that he can pick locks?

A moment later, he looked up and I could see the confusion written over his face. He quickly stepped inside the cabin and closed the door behind him. I looked down at the floor as he approached my bed. I felt my mattress sink down when he took a seat next to me.

"Are you ignoring me?", he asked. I just crossed my arms in front of my chest and looked to the opposite side. He sighed: "Alright. What did I do? If you don't tell me I can't fix it.". He laid one of his warm hands onto my shoulder. But I shook it off and remained silent.
"Can you at least look at me? Please?", he pleaded softly.

I knew that if I looked at him, his eyes would make me give in. It was already difficult to keep this up.
He ran a hand through his curls and said: "Look, I don't know what I did to upset you. But whatever it is, I'm sorry.".

There was a moment of silence between us until I gave in and whispered: "Do you really think that I'm annoying?".
His head instantly turned around at the sound of my voice but my words made him frown. "No! Why would you think that?"
"That's what you said yesterday.", I said sadly, still looking at the ground.

His eyes went wide and he instantly wrapped his arms around me. I shivered as his comforting warmth spread through my body. "Oh gods. I'm so sorry (y/n)! I swear I didn't mean that.", he whispered into my ear as he hugged me tightly.
As he pulled away from the hug, he gently took my face in his hands and looked deep into my eyes. "You have every right to be angry. I'm really sorry.", he whispered and I could tell he meant every word by the serious look on his face.

"I'm just looking out for you, you know?", I said softly. "I know and I'm thankful for that. I guess I was just very tired yesterday. And I know that's not an excuse and I should've listened to you sooner.", Leo said and gently kissed me. I smiled against his soft lips, relieved that everything worked out.
Apparently he noticed and lightly grinned as we pulled away.

"I guess no one can be angry at Mr. Mcshizzle for long, huh?", he said against my lips.
I playfully rolled my eyes and lightly punched his shoulder. "I thought we were having a serious moment.", I exclaimed but couldn't fight the grin off my face.
"Me? Serious? You do know who I am right?", he laughed. "Dam it, Valdez.", I smirked as I put my arms around his neck. "I love you too, (y/l/n)", Leo whispered back before kissing me.

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