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This oneshot is inspired by the headcanon above. It's my first time doing something like this and I hope you guys will like it!
And thank you so much for 200 reads! :)
I should have known something was up.

I was sitting in the kitchen reading a book when I realised that it was completely silent. At first I enjoyed it. It's not very common for the apartment to be in complete silence, especially since I lived with my husband, who is the most hyperactive person I know, and our daughter who is too much like him.

When I realised this, I looked up in confusion. It was never this quiet when both of them were at home. This thought made me frown. Should I look for them and see what they were doing or should I just enjoy the silence until they were back?
I decided for the later and leaned back against the chair, fully focusing on the book in my hands. That was my mistake.

Because I was so focused, I didn't hear Leo and (d/n) sneak into the kitchen behind me, mischievous smiles on their faces and a bag of flour in their hands.
The next thing I knew was that the both of them poured the bag onto my body, fully covering me with the dry substance.

I stood up, completely shocked, and looked at them. (d/n) was laughing and Leo watched my face with an amused smile, close to bursting out into laughter.
"I'm so gonna get you!", I said with a deeper voice, trying to sound scary, and reached forward with my arms. That made (d/n)s eyes widen.

"Run!", Leo yelled, grabbed (d/n)s hand and they stormed out of the room. I followed them right away and frantically chased them around our apartment. We rounded at least five corners until they had no way to escape my attack anymore.
I had them cornered.

With a smirk on my face I took a few slow steps forwards. Both of them looked at me in fear, Leo pulling our daughter behind him with on of his hands.
"I got you", I sang victoriously and walked closer until I stood right in front of them. The next moment I wrapped my arms around them, covering both in flour.

I smiled in victory as my daughter whined: "Ewww, mommy!". When I put a little distance between us again, I saw that they were now also mostly sprinkled with white.

Leo had a crooked smile on his face and I kissed his cheek that didn't have flour on it.
Once again (d/n) whined which made me laugh and pick her up into my arms. I kissed her cheek as well, making her giggle and hide her face in my neck.

When I looked at Leo, I saw him watching me with a loving gaze. I returned the smile and said: "How about we go shower?". I felt (d/n) nod against my neck and together we made our way towards the bathroom.

I continued to smile at my adorable little family even though they made me loose my mind sometimes.

Leo Valdez x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now