Meeting him for the first time

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To anyone wondering, this is not exactly how it happened in the books

"Wow, (y/n), good one!", Will exclaimed as I shot a bullseye. "Thanks.", I grinned and lowered my bow.
"When do you think Annabeth and Butch will be back?", he asked and worriedly looked up to the sky. "They've been gone for two hours now. They should be back soon. Hopefully they find Percy.", I added.
Since Percy went missing a few days ago, everyone was incredibly worried. Will even lent Annabeth the chariot after she told him about her prophetic dream the previous night.

"Yeah. I still don't understand how he went missing overnight without anyone noticing it.", he said thoughtfully. I nodded and remembered how Annabeth ran around camp that day, trying to find Percy.

Suddenly there was a loud noise that came from the sky. When I looked up, I could see the golden chariot right above us but it swayed around in the air as if it was completely out of control. The last thing we were able to see was that it was headed towards the lake.
Will and I looked at each other and immediately sprinted towards the sound of something big falling into the lake.

As soon as we arrived at the shore there was already a big crowd of campers. We pushed our way through and the first thing I saw were five teenagers stepping out of the water. Two of them were Annabeth and Butch but I couldn't recognise the other three.

"Annabeth! You promised to be careful!", Will exclaimed and crossed his arms in font of his chest. Annabeth sighed and tiredly said: "I'm sorry Will. We were being attacked by storm spirits. There wasn't any other way to escape them.".
I laid a hand on Wills shoulder and said:"I'm sure it can be fixed, Will. But, Annabeth, what happened? Any sign of Percy?". His name seemed to lead everyones attention to Annabeth but she just shook her head:"No, nothing. It's like Hera wanted us to rescue these demigods.". She pointed at the others that came with them. "That's Jason, Piper and Leo, by the way.", Annabeth introduced us.

"Why are they not claimed yet?", Will asked and Annabeth shrugged her shoulders:"I don't know. Maybe they'll be claimed soon since they're in camp now.".

"Claimed? What's that?", one of the new demigods, Leo, spoke up. He looked like a big troublemaker with his unruly hair and a mischievous glint in his eyes.
But before anyone could answer, a red light appeared above his head. Apparently he thought his hair was burning because he tried to pat the light out with his hand.

"That is claiming.", I said amused. "That's the sign of vulcan, right?", the other boy, Jason, asked. "Yeah. That's his roman name. We call him hephaestus. How do you know that?", Annabeth asked stunned. "I don't know.", Jason answered and held one of his hands to his forehead as if he had a headache.

"You should probably go to the big house to speak with Chiron. Maybe-", she was interrupted by Drew: "I can take him!", she exclaimed, took Jasons hand and pulled him in the direction of the big house.
I rolled my eyes. She always made such a big show out of the simplest moments.
Annabeth seemed to think he same thing because she looked very annoyed. "Okay.", she sighed:"(y/n)? Could you show Leo around camp and introduce him to his siblings?". I shrugged my shoulders and said "Sure".

With that I laid a hand on the latinos shoulder and guided him away from the crowd. "I don't even like Star Trek.", he said what made me laugh. "Your dad is hephaestus. It has nothing to do with Star Trek.", I assured him.
"That's good to know.", he smiled and looked at my face. "So, your name's (y/n), right?"
I nodded as a response. "Well, dear (y/n), my name is Leo Valdez, bad boy supreme. It's a pleasure to meet you.", he said smirking and implied a bow. I had to admit, he was kinda cute.

"So is everyone a demigod here?", he asked curiously. "Yeah, pretty much." "Does that mean I'm related to everyone at this place?", he wanted to know. I laughed and said: "Technically yes. If you look at the history of the Olympians they are all related in some way. But the whole DNA stuff is pretty complicated and you should never think about who you're related to, believe me. In camp we only look after our godly parents.".
"Well I bet your mom is aphrodite.", he said and winked at me. I laughed at his lame flirting attempt and replied: "Not really. It's (g/p).".

We had a lot of fun walking around camp and he was very impressed by the thought of fighting with real weapons.

"Okay. These are the cabins we live in. This one is yours. Cabin 9.", I said and pointed to a red cabin that looked like a small factory. "That's so cool.", he said mesmerised and his eyes widened. "That's where I live now?", he asked in disbelief and looked at me. I nodded and smiled at his enthusiasm.
Together we approached the big door of the cabin and I knocked firmly. I watched Leo at my side how he bounced back and forth on his feet with his hands interlocked on his back.
A moment later the door opened and Nissa greeted us.
"Hey! This is Leo. He's your brother.", I said. She looked at him and firmly shook his hand: "Nice to meet you Leo.". "Alright. If you need anything my cabins right there.", I exclaimed and pointed to a cabin nearby. "Thanks for showing me around.", Leo smiled at me.

As I walked away from his cabin I heard him call me back: "(y/n), wait!". I turned around to face him again. "See you around?", he asked with a grin on his face. I smirked back and replied:"Sure thing, Valdez.". He smiled happily and fully stepped into his cabin.

"Let's see how this goes.", I mumbled to myself and finally walked in the direction of my own cabin, that this guy was going to change my life completely.

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