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I leaned back against the rock as the sun slowly started to sink. The lake laid peacefully in front of me while the blue of the sky eventually turned orange.

Not a sound could be heard except for the quiet chirping of the birds in the forest and the soft sound of the waves hitting the shore.

I sighed in relief as I let my body relax and sink further into the warm sand beneath me. After this exhausting day of mine, I needed a bit of time to calm myself down.

After the tiring sword training with Percy, Will called me to the infirmary to help with an emergency. A child of ares had a fight with one of the Hermes kids and it didn't end well. It took a while and a lot of nectar and ambrosia but they should both get well soon.

When I got out of the infirmary, I walked straight to the beach.
I had always loved to watch the sunset, especially since finding out that I'm a demigod. That is probably because you don't have much time for yourself in peace.

One again I looked into the distance where the sun was now only half way visible and the water reflected the light.

A moment later, I heard footsteps coming closer to where I sat. The person stopped next to me and after a few seconds of silence they sat down.

"I was looking for you.", Leo whispered when he took a seat next to me, our shoulders lightly touching.
"Just needed a bit of time to calm down.", I responded, keeping gaze on the water.

There was a moment of silence before I spoke again: "How did you find me?". He turned his head to look at me, his curls slightly getting blown back by the wind, and said: "Piper told me that she saw you walking over here.".
I nodded and also shifted my gaze to Leo who was still looking at me.

As I watched him more closely, I realised that his eyes had never been such a beautiful brown colour as they were now, sparkling in the last rays of the sunlight. His soft curls were lightly surrounding his tanned face, making me want to run my hand right through them. And his smile was not one of his usual mischievous smirks, it was a soft one that made my heart melt.
How did I deserve someone like him?

A soft chuckle of his brought me back from my thoughts. "Am I really that handsome?", he asked sarcastically which made me blush.

"Oh shut up, Valdez.", I said and lightly punched his shoulder.
Leo continued to laugh and raised his arm just to lay it around my shoulder. As he pulled my body closer, I smiled and leaned my head against his.

We stayed like this until the sun was completely sunk. The sky was now dark blue and the stars started to be visible. Over the edge of the woods, the moon shone bright, bathing the trees in a soft light, the water reflecting it. Not much could be heard except for the soft chirping of grills in the grass and the quiet voices of dryads in the woods.

I observed all of this in the matter of seconds, smiling softly when I started to look for some star constellations I knew.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?", I mumbled, fascinated by the beauty of the nature. "Yeah", Leo breathed out next to me. It took me a moment to grasp that he wasn't looking at the sky like I was, he stared at me instead. I blushed when I realised Leo wasn't talking about the stars.

"You're so cheesy.", I said and hid my face in my hands. "Is that a bad thing?", he chuckled and pulled me closer to him and softly kiss my cheek. "No, it's not.", I said smiling and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.

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