Just friends

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Since last week I knew something was wrong.
It's been a whole week of Leo being distant and I still can't figure out why.

Lately we've been hanging out a lot and I'd say we became really close. Maybe even too close.

To be honest I developed a little crush on the son of hephaestus.
Of course I couldn't tell him that. Why would I want to ruin our friendship? I was really afraid of loosing him.
That's why his behaviour scared me so much.

During the last week I visited him just like always and brought food with me. But the thing is, he seemed rather annoyed by my presence than to enjoy the company, so I left him alone.
But today I decided to confront him about his behaviour.

It looked like it was about to rain as I approached the door of the bunker. So I quickly entered the password and walked inside.
Just like every time I was in here, I was amazed by the view of the giant hall built into the woods.
Inside were lots of work benches with what looked like millions of tools. Normally there would be the sound of machines echoing through the hall but now it was quiet.
It seemed like the other hephaestus campers were already back in their cabin after their work.
When I looked more closely, I could see that here was just one workbench where the light was still on.

As I walked towards Leo, I could see him bent over the table with a tired expression on his face.

I sighed and walked closer.
"Hey Leo", I said, not wanting to scare him. But somehow he still flinched at the sound of my voice and quickly turned around.

"Oh, Hey (y/n)." he said with a weak smile and continued to work at his project without saying anything else.
My smile faded and a fake one took its place.

"Well, ehm, I brought you dinner."
"Thanks" he mumbled but didn't even bother to look at me.
I awkwardly stood there for a few moments and watched how his fingers built something that looked like a small propeller and connected it with another piece in an abnormal speed.

"Look", I sighed: "I, ehm, are you okay?", I asked. His movements stopped for a moment before he answered: "Yeah, sure, I'm fine.".

That's what I thought he'd say.

"Oh come on Leo, I know something's wrong. You know you can tell me anything."

He let out a breath and said: "No, really, I'm okay. Don't worry about me.".
"Please, Leo. You won't even look at me! Did I do something wrong?", I asked worriedly.

Leo finally turned around to face me and I could tell from the look on his face that he was starting to get annoyed.
"I told you, I'm fine.", he exclaimed and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"That's bullshit! Why don't you just tell me what's wrong?! I'm worried about you!" I had never cursed in front of him and his eyes slightly widened when I did.

"Then stop worrying! And stop being so clingy! Gods, don't you have your own life to worry about?!"

The words seemed to come out of his mouth without a second thought and I could tell by the look on his face that he regretted them the second he said them.
I had never seen Leo so angry even though he seemed shocked by his own words.

"Right. Well then I guess I should go now.", I whispered and turned around to walk towards the doors of the bunker leaving him there. I felt tears running down my face as I opened the giant doors and stepped outside.

I quietly cursed when I saw that it was raining. I still stepped on the grass and that's when I heard calls from the inside.
But I started to walk faster because I really didn't want to face Leo again tonight.

"(y/n)! Wait!", he called after me as he reached the open doors of the bunker. When I didn't react he ran after me in the pouring rain, took a hold of my left hand and turned me to face him.

I looked at him and saw that his curly hair was already dripping wet and clutching onto his forehead.
"Look, I'm sorry about what I just said. I didn't mean it.", he said, his brown eyes looked at me pleadingly.
I sighed. I knew that I couldn't be angry at him for a long time.

"It's okay. Can you a least tell me what's wrong?". He looked at me sadly and seemed to figure out what to say. "I don't know how to say it. I don't want to ruin anything.", he admitted quietly.

I looked at him worriedly and took both of his warm hands in mine:"You can tell me anything. Nothing could ruin our friendship.".
He took a deep breath and whispered:"I like you more than I should.", he looked me in the eyes: "I can't get you out of my mind. You're the only thing I can think about.".

I looked at him stunned and didn't know what to say. Was this a dream?
He seemed to interpret my silence wrong, pulled his hands from mine and sadly said: "It's okay if you don't feel the same. I just-".
I couldn't think about what else to do so I just did what came to my mind first: I kissed him.

I put one of my hands on his cheek and pulled his lips to mine. At first he was too overwhelmed to do anything but he eventually melted into the kiss, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.
I moved one of my hands to the back of his head and ran it through his dripping wet hair.

At some point we had so pull away for air. Our lips still hovering over the other, we looked deep into each other's eyes.
Leo had the grin on his face that I had missed and I smiled softly. I pecked him on his lips one more time and pulled him into a big hug.

"We should go inside if we don't want to catch a cold.", I said softly when I realised that the rain still hadn't stopped.
Leo nodded and took my hand in his.

Together we ran through the pouring rain and into the safety of the bunker.
We stayed in there for the whole night just holding onto each other tightly.

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