Fighting with him

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"I saw you with him! Do you think I'm stupid?!", Leo snapped, his face full of frustration. "I have no idea what you're talking about! I just talked to him! What's so wrong about that?!", I groaned angrily and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

It was rare that Leo and I fought but when we did, it was about something serious.
The previous days, I had unintentionally ignored Leo while I was talking to Jason most of the time. But I had a valid reason to do that because Leos birthday was coming up and I was in the middle of planning a surprise party for him. Of course I didn't want him to know, so I tried not to appear too guilty. Apparently without success.
After I was almost finished planning for the upcoming day, I decided to visit him in the bunker to spend a bit of time with my boyfriend. That's when he confronted me.

"What is wrong about that?", he repeated my question disbelievingly: "Maybe because I'm your boyfriend and not him?!". "Do you think I don't know? Are you saying I'm not allowed to talk to other guys?", I exclaimed, my tone of voice starting to increase.
"That's not what i meant and you know that!", he said and threw his hands up in surrender: "I just don't know what to think right now.".
I sighed: "Look, I didn't want to ignore you, I promise. I just had other things on my mind in that moment.". "What other things, (y/n)? Jason?", he asked and looked at me with a hurtful expression. "No, of course not!", I said, upset that he thinks I would do such a thing.
"Then tell me! What was on your mind?" "I can't tell you.", I mumbled and hid my face in my hands."What?", he asked and stepped closer to me. "I can't tell you.", I repeated, louder this time.

"That's what I thought.", he exclaimed and took a few steps back, his eyes full of sadness. "Leo, wait!", I called and felt how tears started to form in my eyes.

'How could a surprise party bring this much anger and sadness?', I asked myself.

"No, I don't want to hear it! You always do this! Expecting me to tell you everything but you don't want to share your secrets with me! How do you expect this to work?!", he snapped.
"Look, you don't understand-", I started. "Oh, I do understand. You don't trust me. I don't know why I ever thought you did.".
That statement of his made a sob escape my throat.
"I should leave now, right?", I whispered, trying to hold back more tears. "Maybe you should.", Leo said quietly but he looked helpless at the same time.
I nodded and slowly backed away until I fully turned around and stormed out of the bunker.

The whole way trough the forest, I had tears streaming down my face. When I finally saw the lights of the camp, I angrily wiped away the tears that were left on my face, my hands still trembling. The moment I stood in front of my cabin, I took a deep breath and opened the door as quiet as possible. I closed the door behind me and rushed passed my siblings before they could say anything. I quickly change into my pyjamas, laid down on the bed and sighed. I knew I had a sleepless night ahead of me.

Later that night, as I laid awake in my bed, I thought back at all the things we've said. I wondered how these words could hurt so much even though I knew he said them in the heat of the moment and not because he really wanted to hurt me.
I turned to my other side so that I could look outside the window next to my bed. The camp looked so much more peaceful bathed in the moonlight and without all the campers running around. My gaze wandered to the edge of the forest. I knew that not far behind these trees were the big doors of the bunker where my boyfriend was probably still at.
I hated fighting with him, especially about something that stupid. Should I have just told him?

One again I shifted my body to the other side of the bed when I heard someone groan on the opposite side of the room. Alarmed, I turned my head towards the sound but relaxed when I saw that it was one of my siblings.
"You okay?", I asked quietly. (s/n) scoffed and sat up to look at me. "Just go to him and make up again!". I frowned: "What?".
"Oh, come on (y/n)! You're only like this when you're frustrated about something. And the way you stormed in earlier.", I heard a snort, "I just figured it had something to do with Leo.".
"You know me too well.", I mumbled and hid my face in my pillow: "But I can't just go out to the forest. It's already past curfew.". "So?", (s/n) said with a mischievous grin and stood up to walk towards my bed. I swung my legs out from underneath the sheets as well and my feet hit the cold floor.
"What do you mean? I can't get past the cleaning harpies.", I exclaimed but still
stood up to grab something to pull over my pyjamas. Ironically, the nearest thing was one of Leos hoodies I had kept without him knowing. I breathed in his scent and my heart started to ache.

As an answer to my question, (s/n) winked at me, took my hand and pulled my to the door of our cabin. "Alright, you'll have to do exactly what I'll tell you to do. Got it?", I nodded eagerly, "So, you have to keep hiding behind the cabins until you're close to the forest. Best is to sneak past the arena and then you can reach the trees easily. And don't forget to always look out for the harpies.". "Sounds like you sneak out a lot.", I laughed quietly. (s/n) just grinned and opened the door for me. "Now go. And don't do anything inappropriate.", (s/n) said and winked at me when I blushed. I was shushed out of the cabin and took a deep breath.

I followed my siblings instructions and soon came to the edge of the forest. As soon as I walked inside, it became very dark around me. I had to admit, I was scared but I was not going to let that keep me from getting to the bunker. So as fast as my feet could carry me, I walked through the dark. Every time I heard a cracking noise, I found myself walking even faster until I eventually started to run. I was very relieved when I finally stood in front of the huge stone wall behind which the bunker laid. When I stepped closer, my heart started to beat faster.

Slowly, I took a few steps ahead, until my hands could reach forward to touch the cold stonewall. I entered the password into the lock Leo had put there so others could come in as well.
As soon as I stepped inside, I was able to hear the familiar sound of Leo working on something. I followed the noise until I found myself standing in front of Festus.     I could hear Leo rummaging through his stuff and muttering angrily. When I slowly rounded the metal dragon, my boyfriends back was turned towards me and he was quietly talking to himself.

"Leo?", I called softly. At the sound of my voice he instantly turned around, a screwdriver in his hands as if it could help him against any danger. When he saw me, he lowered his hands and his posture relaxed. He was trying to appear normal but I could see in his eyes how tired he was and it also looked like he had been crying.

"Oh, hey.", he said: "How did you get here? Isn't it already past curfew?", he asked confused and let the screwdriver slide back into his tool belt. "Yeah, it is.", I replied and brushed a strand of hair out of my face. "And, well, I snuck out.", I added, shrugging my shoulders. Leo chuckled softly and shook his head. "And you did this for what?", he asked and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "To apologise.", I said and took a step closer to him. He watched me without saying anything and I took that as a sign to continue.

"Look, I really didn't mean to ignore you.", I hesitated, "I just didn't want to ruin the surprise.", I added mumbling. Leo still seamed to hear me and he furrowed his eyebrows: "What do you mean?". I sighed and looked down to my hands where I played with my fingers: "A party for your birthday. I wanted it to be a surprise but-".
I didn't notice but while I was talking he stepped closer to me, took my hands in his and gently kissed my lips. My eyes widened in astonishment but I soon melted into the soft kiss. When we pulled away Leo looked at me, a lopsided grin on his face, and whispered: "A party? For me?".

"You're not mad?", I asked and slightly titled my head, my hands still tightly held in his. "No, how could I be? You were completely caught up in planning, that's why you didn't have time, I get it. And I'm sorry about the things I said earlier. I trust you and I know you trust me too.", he said gently kissing my cheek. "Thank you.", I whispered and pulled him into a hug. He instantly hugged me back tightly and hid his face in the crook of my neck.

After a few seconds he started to slowly sway the two of us back and forth, making me giggle. We pulled away from the hug and he looked into my eyes: "I hate fighting with you.". "I don't like it either but I guess it's just part of it, right?", I replied and softly pecked his nose. "Yeah, probably.", he laughed and pulled me closer again.

We stayed like this for a while until I suddenly backed away and looked at the big clock that was hung up on the wall above us. It was already past midnight. Leo looked confused when I started to grin. "What are you-?", he started but I interrupted him by crossing my arms behind his neck and giving him a quick kiss. "Happy Birthday, Leo.", I whispered against his lips. When he realised, his eyes widened and his grin matched mine. "I love you, mi amor.", he said. "I love you too, birthday boy."

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