Ice skating

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Hey guys! I know I haven't posted anything in such a long time and I'm really sorry!
My excuse: I've got my own Leo now :)
Well, his name isn't Leo but I think you get what I'm saying, right? Anyway, because of him and school I really don't have the time nor the motivation to write.
But I have to say I really liked to write again and I hope I get to do it more often from now on.
Lots of love and a happy new year <3

I loved winter at camp.
Why, you might ask. Well, first of all, there weren't many campers around which made the whole place seem more quiet.
This year the best thing about winter was that Mr D finally allowed snow in camp which brought an actual christmas atmosphere. Normally we didnt have any snow which made christmas kinda loose its magic.
But what we all didn't expect was what happend on christmas day.

"(y/n)! Wake up sleepyhead!". I heard the voice of my boyfriend yell in my ear.
Groaning, I opened one eye and was met by one of the biggest grins I've ever seen.
"Leo", I whined "let me sleep" and after a look through the window I added "Oh come on, it's still dark outside!".
"No it's not." he paused to sit down by my side "okay, maybe it is but the sun is going to be rising soon and I want to show you something. Please."

His face was now showing one of his famous pouts which he knew I couldn't resist.
Sighing deeply, I slowly started to sit up and put my feet onto the freezing floor. "I hate you so much for that Valdez." I groaned and quickly walked to my cabinet where I kept my clothes.
"I love you too, mi amor." I heard Leo chuckle from my bed.
I quickly shot him an amused smile and walked to the bathroom with my arms full of clothes.

A few minutes later I came out again, wearing the biggest hoodie I was able to find. Leo, who was already waiting impatiently, smirked at the sight.
He, being able to literally summon fire, was only wearing a thin sweater. "It's not that cold outside, snowman." he teased and crossed his arms in front of his chest. I just stuck out my tongue in reponse.

As we came to the door of my cabin I quickly put on my boots, a winter jacket and a pair of gloves. Leo stood in the doorway and, when I was finished making sure I wouldn't freeze to death, he held out his hand for me to take.
I gladly put my hand in his warm one and intertwined our fingers.

Immediately I could feel a part of his warmth spreading through me body, making me smile.
This type of heat made me survive the cold wall we had to face as soon as we left the cozy cabin.

"So what exactly did you want to show me?" I asked as we walked on the path that had already been freed from the snow. Leo just grinned at me and said "You'll find out soon enough." and just continued to pull me along to I don't know where.

The first thing that made my eyebrows furrow was that there wasn't the silence I had expect as we walked on. It was more the contrary.
As soon as we came near the shore, I was able to hear the voices of at least ten other campers. I looked at my boyfriend in confusion but he just smiled and walked on to the lake.

At first I thought there was some sort of magic going on because it looked like there were people flying above the water. As we got closer I realised that the whole lake was frozen and most of the campers were on it, trying their best to skate on the ice.

"How is this possible? The whole lake is frozen!?" I exclaimed surprised. "Well I don't know how it happened but maybe it's Mr. Ds christmas present for us."
I didn't think that our grumpy camp
director would intentionly make us happy but I honestly didn't mind.

"Then what are we waiting for?" I became seriously excited and started to drag Leo towards the lake by his hand.
Soon I was able to make out a few of the people that were skating.

I was most surprised when I saw Will and Nico trying their best to keep each other upright. I smiled at the sight of the son of Hades lightly smiling at his boyfriend when he managed to slide a few meters without falling.

When we finally arrived at the shore I saw that Leo suddenly didn't look as convinced by the idea of skating as he had been earlier.
"You know, I haven't really tried ice skating." he admitted and scratched the back of his head in embarrasment. I chuckled and said "It doesn't matter, I'll show you.".

With that I took his hand in mine again and held it tight. Together we carefully stepped on the ice.
At first, Leos face showed a mixture of concentration and slight fear but after a few minutes of trying, he started to be more confident in what he was doing.
"It's not that bad after all, right?" I asked as I watched him trying to twirl. Just as I said that, he lost his balance and his behind met the ice.

I started to laugh at his face that had a look of surprise on it. He slowly looked up at me and said "Would you be so nice to help me up and not just stand there and laugh?".
"Yeah, sure. Sorry." I replied and held out my hand for him to take.

It was already too late when I saw his mischievous smile.
The moment he took my hand he pulled me down to where he sat. I was lucky that my fall was easened by Leo himself because I fell right onto his lap.

"Was that intentional?" I asked with an amused smile. "Well of course it was." he answered with a voice that made me doubt his reply.
"Yeah sure." I said sarcastically.

Before he was able to defend himself I quickly kissed his lips which effectivly silenced him.
The kiss didn't last long but the feeling of his warm lips on mine left them tingling in affection.
When I pulled away I looked into his brown eyes and smiled softly. He returned my expression.

A moment later he sighed and got back to his feet. When he steadied himself he offered his hand for me to take which I gladly accepted.

Holding onto each others hands, we skated on the lake for at least one more hour before returning to the shore.
By then, most of the other campers did the same and we all sat down at the campfire to end the day.

"Are you tired?" Leo whispered, booping my nose. During the last few christmas songs, I had slowly let my head sink down on his shoulder. In silent response Leo had put his arm around my waist, lightly drawing circles on my waist. This wasn't really helping my need of sleep.

"No" I breathed and nuzzled my face further into his neck. "Alright." he laughed softly "Come on (y/n). Let's get you to bed.".
I just managed to nod and let him help me to stand up.

Together, we walked trough camp and towards the cabins. In front of mine, we stopped and turned towards each other.
"Thanks Leo. I had a lot of fun today." I smiled. "Of course. We'll have to do this more often." he replied.

Next thing I knew was Leo taking a step closer, taking my face in his hands and softly placing his lips on mine.
My hands automatically went to his neck to pull him closer.
It was a soft kiss that made butterflies swirl around in my stomach that's why I tried to make the kiss last as long as possible.

"Goodnight Leo." I whispered as we pulled away and I quickly planted one last kiss on his lips.
"Goodnight mi amor." he replied "See you tomorrow." I smiled in response and turned away to step into my cabin.

After a quick warm shower, I laid down in my bed and thought to myself 'my life is not so bad after all.'.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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