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The sound of my alarm clock is heard throughout my whole room. I groan as I feel a sharp pain on my chest from Gizmo running off my bed and out the room.

"Jesus- Gizmo!" I groan and slam my hand on the alarm clock.

"Morning Sally Face!" I hear Larry's disoriented voice through the walkie talkie.

I grab the walkie talkie and hold down the button. "....Morning."

I hear Larry laugh. "You sound like shit."

"Maybe because Gizmo just ran me over!"

I cringed at Larry's loud disoriented laugh. "I'll be up in a few, so hurry up, dumbass!"

I roll my eye and set down the walkie talkie. I slump out of bed and stretch until I hear my back crack. Then I walk over to my closet and pick a random sweater and jeans for the day.


By the time Larry barged into the apartment I was putting my hair into pigtails. "Did you ever finish that homework from last week?"

"Shit!- No..."

"Me neither.."

"Well that's no surprise, dumbass."

"Wow, hurtful. Stop bullying me."

"Stop being a dumbass!" I grin and tighten my pigtail.

"Can I use some of your cologne?"

I groan. "Jesus Lar, you have your own bathroom for a reason!"

"Yeah but, I forgot." Larry shrugs and grabs my cologne.

"You just want to use what is mine"

"No... I forgot!"

I nudge Larry in the ribs. "Liar"

Larry smiled and sprayed me with cologne. "See, I'm helpful!"

"I already put some on, dipshit."

"Wow! Fuck you too."

"Fuck you first"

"... Hate you"

"Hate you first."

Larry groans and sets down the cologne. "You're so mean to me!"

Todd walks in. "I can hear you two bickering from the hall." He rolls his eyes and pushes up his glasses.

I bark out a laugh. "Tell dipshit to stop using my stuff then!"

Todd shook his head. "Don't drag me into your drama show!"

I shove Larry out of the bathroom then follow. "Larry do something useful and give Gizmo food."

Larry grumbles something but complies. "Hate you"

I roll my eye and grab my bag. "Shut up so we can go to school."

"We hate school though"

"You two hate school, not me!" Todd shakes his head and opens the door.

Larry chuckles. "Yeah yeah Einstein."


"Move it, fag!" Travis shoves me into a locker and snickers.

"I swear I'm going to kill that fucker one day!" Larry scoffs.

Ash nods. "I'll hide his hideous body." She grins.

I shake my head. "Nobody is murdering or hiding anyone's body."

"Boring! We could totally get away with it."

I continue to shake my head. "No, just no."

Larry groans. "You're no fun."

"Cry about it." I grin and open my locker with a paperclip.

"Hey Todd, what are we doing for math?"

"Uhh... Calculus"

I groan and grab the math book. "..Great."

"It's not too bad!"

"For you." Ash chuckles.

"Maybe if you three actually payed attention you would all understand it and it'd be easier."

"That's not how it works."

"Okay, well you'll understand it more, is that better, Larry?"


I sigh. "I'll see you two later, cmon Todd." I slam my locker shut and start the journey to math class. Todd scurries behind me to catch up.

"You may be short but you walk fast." He laughs and I laugh with him.


Right when the bell rang for class my mind started drifting elsewhere. I've always wanted to ask Travis why he hates me so much. I've never actually done it, but I've imagined what he'd say.

"Because, you're not normal"
"Because you're a freak!"

"Fisher! Pay attention!"

I hear Travis snicker from behind me. I sigh and open the book to act like I'm paying attention. Todd glances at me and rolls his eyes. I glare back at him and he grins.


"I hate Mondays." I tug on my pigtails and stare at the nasty ass food in front of me.

"Who doesn't?"


Todd glares at me. "Just because I'm good at school doesn't mean I love Mondays, dumbass."

I grin under my prosthetic. "Lie all you want Todd."

Todd kicks me and I let out a yell. "Really?!" I kick him back.

"You hit me!!" Larry glares at me.


Larry chucks a piece of bread at me. "Oops is right!"

I pick the bread up and throw it back at Larry. Larry grabs it and throws it at Todd.

"Why am I always dragged into everything?!"

Ash laughed. I started laughing with her. I glance over at where Travis sits and he was staring at me. He quickly looked away when he saw I caught him staring. I never realized how long his hair was. Everyone says that he looks dumb since he has light blonde hair and brown skin. I think it looks... Nice.

"Who are you staring at so hard?" Ash nudges me in the shoulder.

"Hm? Sorry, nobody."

Ash raises a brow. "Hm.. Suspicious.."

I elbow her in the arm. "What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Nothing! That hurt!" She smiles and I shake my head. Larry and Todd are still throwing pieces of bread at each other. Ash joined in and threw a piece of bread at both of them.

I glanced back over at Travis. He was talking with Phillip. I shrug, not knowing that they were friends. Then I turn back to my friends fighting with bread.

"Fuck you." Love you, tooWhere stories live. Discover now