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My walkie talkie has been going off nonstop for the past 10 minutes of Ash and Larry bugging me to go down and see them.

I glance from the walkie talkie to Travis.

"I told you already, go." Travis rolls his eyes and lays back on the couch.

"But won't you be bored?"

Travis snickers. "I have Gizmo!"

I sigh and walk into my room to grab the walkie talkie.

"Shut up already!" I groan, and they finally stop talking. For only a few seconds.

"Get your little ass down here!" Larry yelled into the walkie talkie, and I flinched at how loud and disoriented it was.

"If you keep yelling into the goddamn walkie talkie I definitely won't go down there." I grumble and look back at Travis on the couch. I sigh, giving in to them.

"Fine. I'll be down in 10 minutes." I then shut the walkie talkie off completely and grab my prosthetic and put it on.

"It doesn't take 10 minutes to get down there." Travis says, still looking at the tv.

"I know. I just don't want to go down there." I sit down on the couch next to him and stretch out. I count down every minute until there's 2 minutes left until I'm supposed to be there.

I groan, then I stand up and Travis shouts goodbye as I walk out the door.


I literally scream when I walk into Larry's room.

Both Ash and Larry were standing behind the door and they both screamed at me, and I screamed like a little girl. I wouldn't be surprised if Travis heard my scream.

Larry hits his head because he started laughing.

"You deserve that you fucker!" I kick him in the leg, and he yelps.

"Ow!!! What the fuck!!! Ash did it too!!" He rubs his leg and the back of his head.

Ash starts laughing and I roll my eye. "I'm not going to hit a girl."

Larry grumbles and shoves Ash.

"You want to go there?" She glares at him and shoves him back, running him into the door.

"Ow!!!!! Oh my god!! You guys' suck!" he rubs his arm now, since it hit the door. 

I let out a laugh and I walk over to Larry's bed and plop down. Ash follows me while Larry continues to rub his arm near the door. Though, eventually, he walks over to us, too.

"It's been a little while since you've came down here." Larry says, looking at me once he also plopped down on the bed. 

I shrug. "I guess? It's been a few days, Lar." 

He huffs, shaking his head on the mattress, making his hair messier than before. "I know that stupid! But usually, you come over like every day to hang out with me." 

I shrug again. "That sounds like you miss me, to me." 

Ash barks out a laugh. "Sorry, couldn't hold it in. Continue with your drama movie!" She grins and Larry throws his pillow at her. 

"You totally just ruined the moment!" He lets out a laugh and she throws the pillow back at him.

I stare at the two, but I was preoccupied thinking about someone else. Travis. He's always on my mind now. During school, when I'm with my other friends, when he's not home because he's at Phillip's, when I'm about to go to bed and I'm not looking at him. It's a serious problem. No matter how hard I try to think about something else, my mind drifts to the sight of him when he steps out of the shower, or when he wakes up and his hair is a mess, or when he stares at me. 

My thoughts are cut short when I get a pillow thrown at my face. 

"What're you thinking about so hard, little shit?" Larry grins, and I chuck the pillow at him. 

"When I can get away from you!" I smile and Larry lets out a dramatic gasp. 

"Wow! Fuck you too!" 

Ash laughs and hits us both with the pillow she had in her hands. 

"How come Todd and Neil aren't here?" I finally say, after we finish out pillow fight. 

"They're going on some date or something. I didn't really pay attention." Larry shrugs and Ash rolls her eyes.

"When do you ever pay attention, Larry?"

"When food is involved. Duh."

I grin. "So, what about that one time when the pineapple fell out of my cheek?" 

Larry gags at the memory of that. "God! I hate you!" 

Ash starts laughing again and she flops down on the bed. 

"You were listening!" I tease, and he gags again. 

"Fuck you." Love you, tooWhere stories live. Discover now