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Travis didn't come home last night so I was sitting in my apartment all alone just staring at the tv, sometimes with Gizmo. 

I look away from the mirror when I hear the apartment door open. I walk out of the bathroom, and I see Travis taking his shoes off. He glances up at me and I see his face slightly blush.

"Hey." Is all he says. 

I turn the bathroom light off and walk out towards him. "Were you at Phillip's?"

He nods, then plops down on the couch. He lets out a sigh. "About yesterday," he says, before I could even bring it up myself. "I was going to say, give me time because I do..." He hesitates. "I do like you, too. But I don't know what the fuck I'm doing anymore, Sal." His hand is covering his face and I sit down on the couch and stare at him. 

"You think I do?" I let out a small laugh. 

He doesn't laugh back. "No, I don't know. I just- I don't know Sal." 

A smile creeps across my face. I scoot over to him and pull his hand off his face. "You're blushing."

"Oh, fuck off."

My smile grows. "What if I kissed you?"

"That'd- Uhm. What?" Travis looks from my eyes to my lips. I watch as he struggles to look back up at my eyes, from looking at my lips. "I feel like that'd be a bit weird at first." 

I laugh. "I wouldn't know. Nobody has kissed me, so I didn't get their feedback on what it felt like to kiss me." 

Travis grins. "I'll gladly be your first."

Now it's my turn to blush. "What-"

When the words leave my lips something else connects with my lips. Travis. The kiss was gentle, didn't last long, but it lasted long enough. 

"That was definitely a weird feeling." Travis combs a hand through his hair.

"That was uncalled for!" I glare at him, and a grin grows on his face again. 

He looks at me and says, "You liked it, Fisher."

I look away from him and flip him off. "I hate you."

"You don't."

Travis nudges me and I look over at him. "What happened with your friends?"

"Oh." He raises his eyebrows at the tone that escaped my voice. "They were shocked? Larry was a bit mad I kept it from him, but they don't hate me or anything."

Travis nods. "You seem like you wanted me to ask something else."


He grabs my chin to force me to look at him. "Maybe one day we should start making out in my father's church." 

My eyes widen, and he laughs at my reaction. "What? Thought you'd like that or something." 

I cover my face with my hands and grumble. "You're so dumb!" 

"Yet you love me."

He leans next to my ear and whispers, "I have no clue where this confidence is coming from." 

I slightly smile. "It's kind of hot."

"Only kind of?! Wow, I'm offended." 

I uncover my face and he's staring at me already. 

"You look better with your hair down. More attractive." He does his stupid grin again and I can't help but smile, too.  "If it's alright, can I kiss you again?" I watch as he glances down at my lips, and I slowly nod. 

(Small spice warning‼️)
He smiles and kisses me again. It was different than the one we just had. It was more passionate. Rougher. I slowly fall back on the couch, and he follows with. My whole body was on fire, and I wouldn't be surprised if Travis could feel my heartbeat. One hand was on my chest and his other was next to my head holding himself up. My arms wrap around his waist, and we break away to breathe. 

"You make me want to faint." He huffs out. 

"What do you think you do to me?"

He glances down and I blush. "I can only imagine." He looks back up at me and he's grinning. "Your dad isn't going to like, walk in on us or anything, right?"

I nod. "He won't be back for 2 more days or longer. I think we're fine." 

"If I hear one knock on that door, I'm throwing them out the window." His smile grows and he leans closer into me. 

"You just want an excuse to get rid of Larry." 

Travis grumbles at the mention of his name. "Talking about him is turning me off."

I grab the back of his head and push him closer to me. "Then shut up."

His lips crash back into mine and my whole body warms up again. My body feels like it's on fire. Travis wraps his arms under me and picks me up, not breaking our kiss. I wrap my legs around him and he walks us towards our bedroom. 

I'm not writing smut so YOU THOUGHT :P
Maybe one day
Okay, okay, but, this small spice HAS to be better than the angel under the mask.. Spice.. Just remembering that makes me want to cry. 😭

"Fuck you." Love you, tooWhere stories live. Discover now